Saturday, May 30, 2009

I still love the both of you very much

My life is so boring. I am an uninteresting person.

Sometimes, I want things to go back to the way they were but to me it seems impossible.
Believe me, I've tried. But I think that no matter what I do, it will never be the same again.

She's a changed person. Not the person I used to be close to. As to why and how we grew apart, I just can't figure it out. I always thought we were going to be the best of friends forever. But in my life, that has never happened so far. Every time I get too close to someone, and we become "BFFs", it never lasts. Ever. It's like a curse.

And I thought I was okay with it when we grew apart, that I don't care if it happens. I almost convinced myself that it's true. But it was all just made up. I can't lie to myself anymore.

I miss the good times when we were together, just the two if us. Then one day, she brought someone in and it became the three of us. I was totally comfortable with that. It was good. Then somehow the third person slipped away in a blink of an eye. We didn't grow apart, we just parted. And I'm totally clueless as to why that happened, too. I miss being close to her too ;(
I miss them.

And now they're close to some of these people. I know I'm nothing compared to them. They're fun people. And I'm just dull and boring. I know she feels very happy when she's with them. She feels at home, that she belongs.

I don't completely blame her. I'm not pointing fingers at any one, in fact. I ditched her on her birthday last year. But it was only out of fear of feeling left out, feeling completely out of place. And I know she cried about me ditching her and that makes me doubly sad. But being the coward I am, I just couldn't bring myself to join her on her birthday. I should have.

And this year, I can see she's trying to put an effort to be close with me again. I'm trying to, too. I really, truly hope it works out.

And I cried all through typing this and I look terrible.

Anis L.

Friday, May 8, 2009

wtf is wrong with you people?

so I was at the surau the other day.and i found a rehal which had writings about me and Jaszmin.yo people,we can act all bitchy and all effed up for all we want. What does it friggin have to do with you?
and there was also something about my ANCIENT HISTORY which was written there.I'm talking Ice Age here.I've gotten over my past,but it seems SOME PEOPLE whose names i wont mention here are still holding on to's history people.i thought you people aren't supposed to like it?
seriously people,i have moved on.maybe you people should do it too.


Anis L