Friday, May 8, 2009

wtf is wrong with you people?

so I was at the surau the other day.and i found a rehal which had writings about me and Jaszmin.yo people,we can act all bitchy and all effed up for all we want. What does it friggin have to do with you?
and there was also something about my ANCIENT HISTORY which was written there.I'm talking Ice Age here.I've gotten over my past,but it seems SOME PEOPLE whose names i wont mention here are still holding on to's history people.i thought you people aren't supposed to like it?
seriously people,i have moved on.maybe you people should do it too.


Anis L


  1. hyep...wei kenal x?jd follower ak eh?syg ko..heheheh..

  2. aniss...thanks o.k..
    neway miss u and our classmates...:D


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