Monday, February 2, 2009

Hari Wilayah ;D

Hello;hello :) So,yesterday was Hari Wilayah.So today is a holiday ;D hahah.Pity those who aren't in
Some of you probably heard of the audition at Sri Pentas,where they are looking for a new host for an NTV7 kids program.I tried out for the audition.While I was waiting to be called up to the level where they were having the audition,I sat down waiting at the lobby.Out came this large group of people from the elevator,and suddenly, I heard someone calling me.Being shortsighted,I couldn't see who it was,till she was close.It was *drum rolls* Anith Aqilah!Damn, I miss her so much!So she was there with the rest of the OIAM finalists.Remember to catch One In A Million season 3 every Friday,and vote for Anith Aqilah,ok?
Anyway,I did fairly okay at the audition ;) But when they asked me to speak in Malay,that was pretty weird.I mean,yeah,I speak in Malay but it was slightly weird cuz I had to make it appropriate for TV.
I think that's all for now.
Waiting for her knight in shining Armani,
Anis L ;)

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