Monday, January 24, 2011

There's Nothing Wrong With Being Wrong

So, what's up with the smiling giraffe? Read on.

I remember posting this as my status on Facebook which was liked by quite a number of people:

"There's nothing wrong with being wrong."

The status was actually directed at someone. This someone will always make sure your mistakes are noted of, while (s)he will never admit it when (s)he is at fault.

Making mistakes. We all do it. As the saying goes, to err is human, to forgive is divine. No one is perfect but we all can learn a little something from our mistake, or from the mistake of others. Those of us who have made a mistake should learn from it. While the rest of us should learn to forgive and forget.

You're probably wondering, what has this to do with the smiling giraffe up there?

Yesterday, my mum asked me to apply shoe whitener on Adlinur's school shoes. She was ironing some clothes. So she was ironing Adlinur's t-shirt, which had the picture of a giraffe on it.

Mummy: How come Adlinur wanted to buy this t-shirt?
Me: Hey, the giraffe is cute.
Mummy: So, is it giraffe or girrrrrrrrrraffe? *laughs*
Me: Dude, that was like ten years ago! Get over it, will you? *laughs too*

What was ten years ago, you ask? Well, when I was in lower primary, we always had spelling tests and dictations. I usually scored full marks for both but occasionally, I made silly mistakes. So in one of the tests, one of the words tested was 'giraffe', and I spelled it as 'girraffe'. Now, back when I was younger, my mum often went through my homework and school stuff. She started a joke out of it, and often teased me by saying girrrrrrrrraffe, rolling her 'R's everytime she said it. As a young child, I hated making mistakes, and hated it even more when I was reminded of my mistakes.

And my mum never failed to remind me.

Every time we came across the word, she would remind me of 'girrrrrrrrraffe'. I did not like it at all. But because of that little joke of hers, each time I have to spell 'giraffe', I would remember her saying 'girrrrrrrrraffe', and I would remember that there is only one 'R' in giraffe.

See? I never made the same mistake again. And I guess I have my mum to thank for that.

Don't run from mistakes. Learn from them. You'll be amazed at how even the littlest of your mistakes can teach you life's biggest lessons.

I shall end this post with another status I posted on Facebook:

"Everyone should be given the right to make their own mistakes."

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