Monday, September 21, 2009

finally :)

I'm back to CIVILIZATION :D Well, OK, that is being too dramatic :) But, yeah I LOVE THE CITY. I wanted to blog on Saturday, but there was nothing to be blogged about :)

Hari Raya, food was awesome! We have the best lemang, ketupat, rendang around :D heh nothing much to say.

I know its face is lke garang but the colour of this cat is really nice.
I'm a sucker for cats x)

My grandma said she had one chicken whose head is terbalik, she tried to call the chicken out but it didn't want to come out cuz she had already fed the chickens. Then, when we were on the way to my grandma's house, there was this massive, and yes I mean MASSIVE traffic jam at the Pasir Besar area. Apparently, there was this accident. My aunt who actually passed by the scene of the accident (we took a different route) said the driver's seat was like, crushed straight into the steering wheel. So imagine that. In conclusion, drive safe this festive season.

Ingatlah orang yang tersayang :)

"Selamat Hari Raya,"Anis L

Friday, September 18, 2009

holiday :)

I am so happy that today is a holiday :)

When they actually announced it on TV I was like WOOHOO! Hahaha. Anyway, I wanted to blog about the Merdeka celebration, but I was like damn tired.

First thing in the morning, Su Ann said she doesn't want to wear her cheongsam cuz it is too tightfitting. I was like telling her again and again that it looks just fine on her. And thankfully, she agreed to it. Or else it would be so cacat-ed with only me and Kanishya in traditional clothes. So we had a full run-through and thankfully everything went well. But this year's celebration is sort of dead, what with puasa and everything. And it was only a half-day celebration cuz some of the Form 5 still have exams. Anyway, I was so tired cuz imagine, sitting, no, mostly standing in killer high heels back stage, UNDER the wall fan in my baju kurung of non-breathable material, DYING :( Oh, for the record, I was wearing this yellow baju kurung which I bought for this shoot when I was in Form 1, and this pair of black high heels which Emee lent to me, cuz I don't wear high heels. But then nak perasan tinggi once in a while :D I really was a lot taller. But then there are no pictures cuz no one made a pass to bring cameras. Grrrr.

And then after the whole thing I was already so tired, then I had to climb up two floors back to my class, get my stuff and go back down. I was about to go out the gate when Adlinur said we had to WALK ALL THE WAY TO KAMPUNG MELAYU.

As if I wasn't fainting already. For those of you who don't know, Kampung Melayu is right beside Taman Intan Baiduri. My mum asked us to walk there to avoid the massive traffic, cuz school was dismissed at 1.25 pm for everyone. So we walked all the way to the "borderline".

We waited.

And waited.

And waited.

When no one came, we decided to walk back to school. And found that



Apparently, my dad didn't hear my mum telling him we would be waiting there. I was so happy that I could go back at 1.25pm, cuz I always have classes til 2.05pm. Even on Friday, til 1.35pm. In the end, there was no point, as we went back almost 2pm anyway. I was parched, but obviously I couldn't drink. So after I prayed, I totally crashed out til close to buka time.

Pathetic ramblings, I know :)

And today is well, oh so boring. Nothing to do online :(
"Pay no more than absolutely zero,"
Anis L

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


stress :(

Tomorrow is the Merdeka celebration thing, and we went down for the rehearsal. So yeah with Su Ann having been sick and all, it was only today that we actually had a go at the whole thing. We weren't even done with the introduction when Puan Rabi'ah, who was there, commented on how we were using 'bahasa rojak', and we cannot do so. It was something like "You ni kan?" and blablah. The point is that we can't 'rojakkan' English with BM. The whole sentence must be either fully in English or in BM. The thing is, to us, that is how Malaysians speak, it is Malaysian. And she said she wasn't siding to BM or anything (she's a BM teacher) but we cannot use 'bahasa rojak'.

And, believe it or not, she actually said that it's like Merdeka and stuff, so we should use more BM in our script, no point in celebrating Merdeka if our minds are still being conquered. Now, I know my BM isn't that good, and I don't have anything against it. I appreciate the beauty of it. It's just that my English is better. But what I couldn't stand was her opinion on how we are still being conquered, judging by the mere fact that we use a lot of English. Did I mention that she's a History teacher too? So, yeah, do the math.

And Mrs Ganaser hasn't been in school :( Now, she is a teacher who lets us do things our way. She gives a short briefing an some guidelines but she lets us decide what we think would be best. It was she who has given us the chance to become the emcees again. I wished she was there today :( But, oh well. We can do it our way, like, to hell with what Puan Rabi'ah thinks, but we respect her. I think what we should do is see Mrs Ganaser tomorrow. I really hopes she comes to school tomorrow. She better does.

We tried editing our script so that it isn't 'rojak' but by doing so, the script has lost its true life and meaning. And we lost our spirits too.

I pray for the best. I hope it all works out.

"You hold me without touch, and keep me without chains,"
Anis L

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today was another new day for me :)

It started out with me having the weirdest sahur of Sate Kajang and a slice of Secret Recipe's New York Cheese :D hahah. Then I went to school as usual. Nothing interesting, really. Me and Kanishya worked on our Merdeka celebration script. Only then, did another 4Sc3 moment happen :)

It was something like this:

Thanusha (T): Who is a Malay here?

Anis (A): *raises hand*

T: Selamat hari raya....

A: ????

T: After that what?

A: Kepada saudara serta saudari

T: *says something to Mei Fang*

A: Setahun hanya sekali

Mei Fen: Setahun hanya sekali

A: Merayakan hari yang mulia ini

(then Vashti, Masylini, Fariza and Shakiina started singing)

T: Eh, eh keep quiet. I regretted asking that.

Kanishya: Where else can you find a class that bursts out singing like in High School Musical?


Truly, there is no other class quite like ours :)

"Here we go again,"
Anis L

Monday, September 14, 2009


Random post :D

I am going to try to update my blog frequently now. But I don't really have much to say :) We are getting closer to Hari Raya!ticktockticktockTICKTOCK :DD
but also means



I am still unprepared and umm,really worried :(

Moving on to happier things,
I just want to say that



We are like the rocking-est class and I lovelovelove my class so much.

"Please, ignore the crapping girl with the weird glasses :D"
Anis L

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Finally, my blog is not naked anymore :D I have given it a facelift, and well, it looks a tad better, don't you think so too?

I am so mad. My Facebook account won't open, no matter how I try. I can open every other website except Facebook :( grr. I'll have to try again later.

And yeay Hari Raya is just around the corner! I am so excited and excited and excited :DD Hopefully, I can fast for a full month this year. I just simply can't wait for all the food: ketupat, lemang, rendang YUM. I'm making myself hungry, hahah.

And oh, Su Ann, Kanishya and me are going to emcee the closing ceremony for the Merdeka celebration. Which is yeay for me! Cuz i just love becoming the emcee :) My track record:
1. Inter-class Choral Speaking Competition (Form 2)
2. Inter-class Choral Speaking Competition (Form 1)
3. Inter-school Public Speaking Competition (Sentul Zone)
4. School-level Merdeka Celebration (Opening Ceremony)


And now, I have a new record to add to all of that :) Well, what can I say, indeed, I love the spotlight.

Moving on to serious-er things,
*cue chilling music*
I've tried studying but I can't seem to absorb anything :( Derek said he'll buy me lunch if I pass everything, but I want to score. I am getting dumber by the minute. I used to be the pride of my parents, the smart one they could show off to their friends with pride. But now I am going to bring them shame. Their daughter who was one of the Top 30 Scorers in Kuala Lumpur for UPSR 2005, can't even get number one in class anymore :( I am going to work as hard as I possibly can. I'll make sure Derek buys me lunch :D But most importantly, I want to get back on top, for my parents, and myself :)

And so I have to end this and get to work NOW.

Anis L

Thursday, September 3, 2009

So it does work :)

Yeay! My attempt at moblogging is a success! So hopefully, you'll be seeing more of my posts :)

No readers. I suck. I know hahaa :D

Anis L


I'm trying mobile blogging,to see if it works :)
haha.i would love to update my blog always but i don't have access to a proper internet sucks,i know.but there's nothing i can do about it.
finals in less than 1 month.I AM GOING TO DIE.seriously.i don't understand so many things.DEAD.
my blog is a big bore,ain't it?

"Can't you see that it's YOU that I want?"
Anis L