Saturday, January 16, 2010

this sucks

Intervensi 1 is in like, two days. It is so not fair that it is this early! Last year's one was in March or so. One of my friends said that they want to see if we studied during the holidays. Which unless you were those really hardworking and smart girls, you wouldn't have been *coughs* ehem EHEM.

So the past week went by in a blur. There was studying in class, obviously. And on Tuesday and Wednesday, already I was not in class because I was involved with the Dynamic Leadership Training Course. Then Wednesday after school was the first house practice. We managed to finish up the auditions for the cheerleading section and pick out of those who auditioned on the same day. And the next day and Friday my legs were hurting like so much. Probably because I did not warm up properly before teaching jumps. It hurt enough to go up the stairs, and it hurt so much more to go down :( But thankfully today when I woke up the pain was all gone.

You left without saying goodbye. But I don't care. Because now, I know that all along, you never did care about me. So if you're reading this, please just walk out of my life and pretend as if you never existed. It's the only thing you should do now.

And now I think I should go study for my test. Miss B told us not to stress out so much on this first test, but treat it as a way to see what we already know, and what we need to work on. The thing is do I know enough? I can't decide.

Hungry. So I shall grab breakfast before I study :) Toodles!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Wow. The first week of school is over. It is sure getting closer and closer to SPM. Intervensi 1 is starting on 18 Jan. All Form 4 syllabus will be tested. I'm not sure if I can do it :( I haven't had the time to revise. Too much of homework and other things to do.

Next week I'll have to stay back for LKK meeting and already I won't be in class for the Leadership Training stuff. I hope I don't fall back too far.

Monday, January 4, 2010


First day of school was tiring. Got only about 3 hours of sleep last night cuz I couldn't fall asleep. Anyway nothing has changed much, except that i'm now a Fifth Former. Man, I just love the sound of it :D So we basically got our SPBT textbooks today and stuff. I almost can't believe it. I'm going to sit for SPM 2010. And my mother is constantly reminding me about it. The minute I got back from school, she told me to start revising Form 4 stuff, one chapter a day. And I was like ack and she was like your SPM is this year and your trial results are important to apply for scholarship and blablah. So I won't be onlining much this year, I guess. Maybe just once a week, tops. Maybe less. Eek. But I'll try to update my blog as often as possible so do keep clicking this way :)

So I'm signing off, until the next time I get online. Taaa :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

arrest me

I should be arrested for blog negligence. I am never one to stick to something, I guess. Planned to write like a conclusive post for 2009, but I have not been online for the past 12 days or so. So yes, this is the first post of 2010 :)

And now for the conclusive part, I would say all in all, 2009 was a great year for me. Of course, there were ups and downs (whose year had no downs?I want to switch shoes with you.), good times and bad times, etc. I learned a tremendous lot of stuff this year, turning sixteen and all. I think that only this year am I actively involved in extra-curricular activities. Debate was the best experience of all. I used to be so scared of speaking in public, trembling and shivering and everything. But now I can proudly say that I am not afraid of speaking in public anymore. Or at least not so much.

I made a lot of new friends this year, and some of these people are maybe some of the best people God has given to me. I thank Him very much for they have truly made 2009 an awesome year for me, one way or the other.

To end this post, I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2010. May this year, all the best shall come to you :)