Monday, January 4, 2010


First day of school was tiring. Got only about 3 hours of sleep last night cuz I couldn't fall asleep. Anyway nothing has changed much, except that i'm now a Fifth Former. Man, I just love the sound of it :D So we basically got our SPBT textbooks today and stuff. I almost can't believe it. I'm going to sit for SPM 2010. And my mother is constantly reminding me about it. The minute I got back from school, she told me to start revising Form 4 stuff, one chapter a day. And I was like ack and she was like your SPM is this year and your trial results are important to apply for scholarship and blablah. So I won't be onlining much this year, I guess. Maybe just once a week, tops. Maybe less. Eek. But I'll try to update my blog as often as possible so do keep clicking this way :)

So I'm signing off, until the next time I get online. Taaa :)

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