Friday, December 24, 2010




Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It Is Not The Hardest Word.

What I'm about to say is going out to everyone who has been hurt by what I say.
Those whom are concerned will know who they are.

I always seem to say the wrong things at the wrong time.

Sometimes I say things unthinkingly.
Sometimes I speak with my heart and not my head.
Sometimes I speak off the top of my head.
Most of the time I don't mean to hurt people. Honest.

So what I'm trying to say is I didn't mean to hurt your feelings with my hurtful words.

I'm sorry.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Phew, This Place is Dusty! *coughs*

I am finally done with cleaning out my books, papers, etc.

:] :) :D

I needed two big boxes to keep all my books. And I'm throwing out/recycling (not sure what to do with it yet) a huge pile of used books and papers. If I could sell off everything, I'd be freaking rich.

While cleaning, I came across books with all the random scribblings and stuff. I felt a wave of nostalgia while reading them. The fun we had passing notes in class, scribbling random stuff and talking bad about teachers. Not that I'm proud of the last bit, but it is part of the things that made secondary school, well, secondary school.

Among other things, I came across this poem (?) someone texted to me before.
And I liked it so I copied it into one of my many 'buku contengs':

This is my wish for you:
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Hugs when spirits sag,
Beauty for your eyes to see.
Friendships to brighten your beings,
Faith so that you can believe,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
And love to complete your life.


Have a happy day ahead peeps!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Success! Woo!

FINALLY months after I bought the Pyssla/Perler beads, I've actually put them to use.
Here are some of the pieces I made today

Cookie Monster!


This one is special, Inky <3

I just had to make these giraffes. They are so cute!

All of the pieces together :D

And I will make more. It's a lot of fun, really. Inky wants Elmo ;) And Mina wants a heart.
Shall be working on it!

They Have Names!

I was googling for Pacman ghosts pyssla designs. And I found out that the Pacman ghosts have names. I was like "What the? Are you kidding me?" Haha.

I'm making "Inky" for that someone ;)

Day 349; 104 Days

It has been 6 days since I last saw you. I miss you a lot. You're leaving on Friday and I can't see you tomorrow either. You'll be gone for ten days and we won't get to see each other. I'm so sorry. I know you'll say it's not my fault, but I'm still sorry.

I'm sorry I can't always be there for you.

I'm sorry we can't have it easy like other people.

I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble.

I'm sorry for causing you pain.

I'm sorry for everything.

Please forgive me, love.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Someone Help Rihanna

I just had to laugh out loud when I came across this like:


Day In, Day Out

Hello there people. I have been rather uninspired to blog with this new blog of mine *blames it on writer's block*.

I have been googling for Perler beads designs. I bought the beads at Ikea sometime in July but have not had the time to try it out, what with SPM and all. But I will make something by the end of this month since I have nothing better to do anyway :D

Mina asked me to go to her house today but oh, how surprisingly. my mum said no. I'm just sick of staying at home. She won't let me go out with friends. I can't even go out with her because she's not the kind of person who likes to go out. So here I am stuck at home. How fun, yay me.

I shall look for a job so that I will not be stuck at home anymore :) :) :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Slow Afternoon

I miss my eight-year-old :(

I am going to clean up all my books, papers, etc.

Goodbye School! Forever!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pilot 2.0 (?)

So, in the end, I decided to start a new blog again. Sort of a fresh new start for a new chapter in my life. I had thought of starting a new blog right after I finish my last paper, to mark a new start, but I got preoccupied and hence, the two-day delay :D

But hey, here I am, determined to pick up blogging again. 2010 has been a busy year for me, with SPM and all, so my blog was dead and I switched to Tumblr because it was easier to use. But I think I still like Blogger better :)

Post-SPM has been so 'fun'. All I've been doing is watching TV and going online. Because that is how to celebrate your freedom. Not by going out with friends or your boyfriend because your mum tells you you can't because the world is dangerous and she doesn't like her child to become oversocial what the eff. So yes, clearly, I'm having a blast. My joy is infectious, isn't it?

Sigh. I just hope things will change for the better.

It will, won't it?
