Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i've been good

Wow. 2009 is really coming to an end. I'm going for the field trip to HELP UniCollege thingy on Thursday, but not on Wednesday (to KBU) so I'm not going to school tomorrow. Will only be going to school on Thursday and that shall be the last day for us Fourth Formers.

Today passed by in a blur. Basically we only studied History all day because Pn G wants to finish up our syllabus. And I can tell you that four hours of Sejarah=yawnyawnyawn. But then Agama time we helped our ustazah to keep the painted rehals in the cabinets. It was a really good move to paint all the rehals black so that the girls cannot deface them, but I think that for those who enjoy doing that, it will not really stop them from doing so. Then we played snakes and ladders, but this version had Agama questions in them, so-called "belajar sambil bermain". When any of us almost reach the finish, we'd somehow get kicked back down. And we laughed so hard. Only Amalina M managed to reach the finish *claps* :)

It has been two weeks since. Still nothing. If I could turn back time, I'd have done it differently. But I can't. Sigh.

Ack, I wish Eryn can come home NOW! She told me that her friend had downloaded Gossip Girl up until episode 9 of freaking SEASON 3. And she has downloaded the whole new Paramore album, "Brand New Eyes". Come home NOWWWW.

I'm thinking of switching to Tumblr. Should I?

Tomorrow is freaking SPM whoa. All the best to all the candidates, especially Amelia Hany, who hasn't been in school and I still have no way to contact her, and Derek Kok :p

And my mum is calling me to eat. Toodles.

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