Saturday, November 14, 2009

I just wanna

It's a miracle!

Yes, Anis Lam is still alive!

Okay, am being dramatic, but really, I expected that my parents would kill me.

Cuz on Thursday, we got our report card. I was worrying all day, thinking about how to face my parents. And, okay, I didn't do that bad, but by my own standards, I failed, cuz I could have done much better. I thought of showing it to them right before bed, so I could just go straight to bed. But then, suddenly I got all brave and just gave it to my mum (before I could change my mind) and my parents were calm enough about it. Although they did start their whole SPM-next-year, your-future-is-at-stake lecture, but I know I'm at fault. I have to work harder next year. I must.

And yesterday, we finally got our debate certs! Third place in zone :) Maybe it seems like nothing to some of you, but I am extremely proud of what we have done and achieved.

You know what I want to learn to do this holidays? I want to learn how to design my own blogskin :) That is besides brushing up on my Add Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc.

*grumble of stomach*

Oops, that is my stomach. I did not eat for dinner. And I haven't had breakfast. So tata for now, I got a tummy to treat :)

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