Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow

Praise be to Him. He is always there for us. I just couldn't stop crying while I prayed yesterday. I guess it is all okay. For now. But no doubt, it wouldn't last. Nothing ever does. Thanks too to my awesomest friends who are always there for me to help me keep my head straight. You know who you are ;) I heart you people so much.

Oh, and Eryn's coming home tomorrow, yay. We're gonna meet up at Mid. I just can't wait to watch Gossip Girl and other movies that she has :)

And damn, tomorrow is New Moon's premiere at Sunway Pyramid.I tried to win tickets which hitz.fm was giving out but to no avail :( Oh well, guess I'll have to catch it later then. Like last year, me and my sisters were so lucky we got good seats eventhough we bought the tickets for Twilight at the very last minute. Don't know if we'll get as lucky this time. I'm still Team Edward, story wise, but undeniably, Taylor Lautner is so much more hotter than Robert Pattinson :p

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