Monday, November 9, 2009


Today we got all our test papers back :x
I have
5A1s - English, Maths, Accounts, Agama, Biology
2A2s - Bahasa Melayu, Sejarah
2B3s - Physics, Chemistry
1C5 - Add Maths

It's so bad, I know. And All my friends keep saying it's okay, cuz they failed tons, but I'm comparing myself only to myself. I could have done so much better if I had studied. And both my parents asked me about my results today and I did not exactly ask tell that that I have a freaking C for Add Maths. They asked me, separately, if everything was A and I said no. Then they asked me which subjects did I get B for. So I told them. But they did not ask if I have a C. So now, they're assuming that I actually got an A for my Add Maths, I guess. I feel so bad. Yet so scared to tell them. I know they are so disappointed. Seeing me using the computer right now, my mother was like, you did not do well for your exams, and yet you want to use the computer and not study etc etc :(

Yesterday night, my handphone battery was almost empty. So I thought, whattheheck, I should just empty it and charge it from zero. So I listened to some MP3 till the battery went empty. Then when I wanted to turn on my charger, there was this weird sound then it wouldn't work. This is like the time Adlinur literally broke my charger, cuz she accidentally kicked it. Now, I have to resort to using the car charger, like the other day, until I buy a new charger, sigh.

School was, well school. During the assembly, Ms Goh announced that Puan Ng (my physics teacher) and Puan Intan are both being transferred to Johor and I-don't-know-where respectively. Then she told us that Puan NB was being promoted to some nice post in the Jabatan. And you could tell that the girls were very happy. I don't personally have a problem against her. But I did once get scolded by her for something I did not actually do, and my sister once got treated unfairly by her. But those shall not be spoken of here, cuz really, I do not bear any ill feelings against her :) (konon!)

Then Biology, we got back our test papers, and man, I did amazingly well for my Bio. My only A1 for all the Science subjects. And it is an improvement from my midterm exam. Maybe Biology is really my forte after all (Seriously, Anis, computers? You know you suck at calculations). Or really, I should be practicing more to improve on the stuff which I'm bad at. I must. Cuz next year is the. Umm. You know. I can do it! :D

Then we also had to return our SPBT books today. Like WOW morning exercise man, carrying all those books up to my class, which is on the second floor. Then I had to go run down to the bookshop to buy a new Biology textbook, cuz I lost mine (Don't ask me how, I don't know myself). Then I ran back up. Then Puan Liew told me to run back down to the SPBT room to get the inside cover stamped. Then I ran back up. Then I helped to carry the textbooks back down to the SPBT room. Which was like the second exercise I had today. And I got to hug Faii when she came to my class which is like aww :) I miss her. And well, we were like just randomly talking in class bout stuff, the lot of us. And we also discussed about our class party, which is this Wednesday.

After recess was BM, and we had a "Kuiz Bahasa" thingy and my group won. LOL. But I was sitting at the back, doing Sudoku puzzles in Fyda's book and only half-paying attention. But I had to pay attention when it was my turn cuz the people in my group would turn back and ask me what I thought the answer was. Not like my BM boleh pakai sangat, hahah :D Oh, oh, and there was this peribahasa, "Bagai ayam mabuk tahi", which we directly translated to English, and became, "Like a shit-drunken chicken", hahah. And then the remaining time after BM, which was English, I did some more Sudoku :)

I am awfully boring, you can kill me for it :)

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