Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And Now, Class...

So yesterday we went to OU, but I didn't buy anything cuz not enough time :(

Woke up hearing my mother say "Sha, sha, bangun. Dah pukul enam,". I was like, what, why must I get up so early(in my head obviously)? My mum left the room and I tossed and turned some more. Then she came in again and she was like,"Sha, Nor, bangun cepat,". Then only did it hit me.

It was a school day


Then I had breakfast, which consisted of two pieces of Gardenia's Butterscotch bread thingy (deelish tho) and my mum's teh susu. When I got to school feeling so sleepy, and continued feeling that way, pretty much the rest of the day. First of all was English and I was like yawnyawn do we really have to do this? I mean, dude it's English. Then there was like this comic strip in one of the exercises we did which was about backbiting.

Puan Int: I know that this is happening among St. Marians. You talk bad things about the teachers behind their backs, don't you?

4Sc3: *uncomfortable silence*

I was like, lady, you are so talking about yourself there. Now, of course I didn't say that out loud. And OOPS look, now I'm backbiting at you again :p And when some of the kids at the back started talking, she was like "Why are you talking at the back? You are missing out the excitement in the front," to which Fariza and I laughed madly. Seriously, fun? It doesn't even exist in her dictionary. And get this: she even said something about how we students expect all our lessons to be fun and exciting. To which Mei Fen said something like, "Of course, we are kids of the new era. We are more vocal and we want our lessons to be fun. When they aren't, then we'll voice it out." Go, Mei Fen! :D

Maths was nothing. Some of us slept, some studied and some were talking. Then recess time, yay! Cuz FINALLY after bout two weeks, the Chinese stall is now open. Throughout the period of it being closed, I was totally clueless as of what to eat, lol. And today I finally got to eat my mihun sup with wantan x) Then after recess was Biology, which was not too boring. Although I did feel like sleeping, I didnt' cuz Biology is always fun with Puan Raja :) And it was funny how we all found medulla oblongata (or rather,how it is pronounced) funny. Mei Fen said medulla oblonggatal then Puan Raja was like ya la, you all so gatal :D And I left my Bio book at school. Pfft.

"Now I'm speechless,"
Anis L

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