Friday, October 16, 2009

hand in mine

finally this week is OVER. I wanted to update, but there's really nothing interesting, just exams.

So...the past three days in recap:

I woke up at 3am for the past three days to study, which is TEH FREAKING FUN seriouslyyyy ;p I think I'm going to make it like an examination ritual, lol. So on Tuesday, I had Biology an BM Paper 1, which were okay. Biology was not too hard, but nonetheless I still made mistakes :( And and BM karangan I actually had a clue of what I was writing :D

Then on Wednesday, we had freaking Physics and Maths. Physics was THE SUCK. Nuff said :( Maths was okay, and it was objective. Except my mind went totally blank at one point and therefore, I made careless mistakes AGAIN.

But I was determined to make up for my Maths Paper 2, which was on Thursday, along with Agama. And yeah, I think I did fairly good in both those papers :)
Oh and yesterday, when we were waiting for Maths to start, my Maths teacher, Puan Norhuda rushed in through the front door and said,"Okay girls, Maths paper is cancelled. Kertas hilang,". Half the class went "wtf?" and the other half went "woohoo!". We all thought she was being serious. Then about 10 minutes later she asked us to put our bags outside the classroom and everyone went $!%#@##@#@*^?!?!??! Apparently, she was just tricking us and there was Maths after all =.=

And I came home yesterday feeling so tired. I haven't been eating right for the past few days cuz I really had no appetite :( Maybe it's the examinations anxiety, and well, something else too which has been bothering my head. As if I'm not skinny enough. Seriously, I must look like I'm anorexic or bullimic or something. Gah. Can someone tell me how to become fatter? I was telling my mum how I want to join the school cheerleading team next year, what with it being my last year and everything. And she was like, "Oh no, don't even think about it. Hah dahla Adlinur kena sakit kaki, kamu jangan nak tambah lagi masalah ye? Nanti patah tulang patah kaki blablabla siapa yang susah.Besarkan badan tu dulu,", which is like impossible. I. WILL. NEVER. GROW. FAT. END. So I will only be cheerleading for Mcneil. Pfffft.

I still remember last year, after the last paper, which was Geography, everyone was like cheering and Jaszmin and I ran out of the hall and hugged each other, jumping. The feeling was so exhilarating, I could taste the sweet sensation of freedom :) And post-PMR, there was really nothing to do. TOTAL COOLNESS waaah I miss those days :(

Woo and this Sunday I'm going to Ameera's house for makanmakan yeahhh. Free food :D
And we're planning to go to OU afterwards. Something to look forward to after this gruelling week which has been totally craptastic. I pray for things to get better.

Dear Person I Will Not Name, could you forgive me? I take back my words, I do not hate you, it is really me who has gone mental. Apologies, so umm, friends? :)

My blog sucketh.

"I'm sitting all alone, feeling empty,"
Anis L

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