Friday, October 30, 2009

taste the freedom

FINALLY exams are over :) haven't been online for quite a bit. There were some random interesting stuff in school but I forgot about them :(

Exams were overall okay. Except for addmaths, which was the suck. Seriously. And and and Chemistry. I really hope I don't fail anything. Today right after History exam, our teacher gave us the answers and I only scored 30 upon 40. And I'm pretty sure I didn't really do well for the second paper. Hmm. And surprisingly, only 5 of us scored above 30, highest is 34, I think. Well, this is where you can say "Serves you right, Anis," cuz I've been wasting my time being emo. Or just plainly lazy. Nothing much to say now, not really in the mood. So umm ciaoooo.

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