Sunday, October 11, 2009


Am feeling so disgusted. I feel like vomiting :( It's like SICK SICK SICK. And really, I should be telling SOMEONE about it but obviously it will turn into a supermassive huge fight, and I don't want that to happen. As if there isn't enough stuff messing with my head already. But not telling would be WRONG, so WRONG. Why does life have to be so tough? Oh, yeah, cuz it IS life :(

My head is messed up. I'm supposed to study for Sejarah. Only I am freaking not. Been thinking too much lately, about things I shouldn't. But I can't help it. Like yesterday, I texted with Emee til late and I just told her everything and there were also stuff that I didn't even know was actually inside my head. See? I'm a proper mental. And again it's between doing what's right and what I want to do. I don't want it either, but I want it. WTF? And yesterday at bout 1am someone called me using a public phone and asked me if remember him. I was like what who are you? Then he was like Amir from primary. I was like no, I don't remember anyone named Amir from primary. Then he asked me who am I. I was like wtf, you're calling me and you don't know who am I? He was like my friend told me to call you. I was like whattheheck bye and hung up. It has been a long time since I get pestered by unknown people, calling my number and texting me. They must somehow found my number again or something. Maybe some girls love that kind of attention but I DON'T *does death glare*. So people, uhh stop?

Man, I'm like so lame. I don't even have anything interesting to blog about, heh. Now, if this was my diary, I'd write like EVERYTHING here. But because this is the Internet and it is like public, so some stuff cannot be posted here and others have to be edited for privacy and other reasons before they are posted here :) Will try my best to be completely honest here though, lol.

Am going to try my best not to go online anymore for this week. Maybe only on Wednesday will I get back on here. So umm,

Goodbye evil, distracting, root-of-all-evil Internet!

for now x)

"When you go, would you even turn to say, I don't love you like I did yesterday,"
Anis L

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