Saturday, October 17, 2009

eat this

Am not going to Meera's house :( BOOOOOOO. *sighs* My mum said that her house is too far away. It's just in KD, woman, and I've been there before. Anyway, got invited to Aunty Aza's open house and maybe so as to not have me bite her head off, my mum allowed me to go to that one. Better than nothing, right? Oh, well.

And yesterday, we went to SM and met up with Aunty Naili, Nureen, Syahmi and Iman and ate at KFC. So, apparently, my mum had the nagging feeling of meeting up with Aunty Naili because she is going for the Hajr this year, next week in fact. We were neighbours, before we moved. And uhh, before that we went to Parkson and I ran into my primary school teacher which was GAH cuz he is like psycho. He had like a grudge against me, cuz my mum was the type who complains if there's anything she disagrees to. Mainly it's because he uses violence against children. He seriously slaps kids and everything. I know that maybe some people will say that kids these days are too pampered and soft, but really, what he does is too much. Once, he sprayed this kid using the fire hydrant then forced the kid to go dry out in the sun. Like WTF? And because my mum voiced out her disagreement over the matter, and he teaches me BM, he NEVER gave me the best marks for my BM essays. Which is totally carp cuz I write obviously better than my friend who always got the highest in class for BM. When I was in Standard Six, and a different teacher taught us only could I get back on top. From what I gather, he is like that cuz his kid is sick. Yes, I'm sympathetic about your child but that is no reason to go hitting other people's kids for no good reason. Mkay?

And then, yeah me and Syahmi were talking bout stuff. It's nice that he could initiate a conversation, cuz I was never one to start. And little Iman doesn't remember me. Cuz yeah, we've only seen each other a few times since she was born. She was born after we moved, I think. But she said I was pretty and I was like awww I'm flattered, hahah :D Please to be ignoring the self-centered betch yeah?

And I totally failed at eating healthy. I had Oreo and milk for LUNCH (wtf right) and then KFC's Toasted Twister for dinner. I have absolutely no appetite to eat. But I forced myself to anyway.
Spent the past week emoing. Yeah, I'm pretty bummed. Usually, I would be crying but I can't. It feels stuck in my chest and it doesn't want to come out :( And I pray to God so as to give me the strength to face this. I am weaker than what I try to pull off. Emee said that I think too much. I think so too, but I can't help it. Thanks to Emee, for always being there for me <3 data-blogger-escaped-:="" data-blogger-escaped-above="" data-blogger-escaped-absolute="" data-blogger-escaped-an="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-appreciate="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-betch="" data-blogger-escaped-can="" data-blogger-escaped-complete="" data-blogger-escaped-count="" data-blogger-escaped-div="" data-blogger-escaped-emee="" data-blogger-escaped-even="" data-blogger-escaped-everyone="" data-blogger-escaped-hates="" data-blogger-escaped-head="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-it="" data-blogger-escaped-keep="" data-blogger-escaped-know="" data-blogger-escaped-love="" data-blogger-escaped-m="" data-blogger-escaped-me.="" data-blogger-escaped-my="" data-blogger-escaped-nice="" data-blogger-escaped-not="" data-blogger-escaped-on="" data-blogger-escaped-s="" data-blogger-escaped-score="" data-blogger-escaped-squeezes="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-through="" data-blogger-escaped-times="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-water.="" data-blogger-escaped-when="" data-blogger-escaped-you="">

"Maybe I do?"
Anis L

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