Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Thank God for PMR for when there is PMR, there is a two-days PMR holiday :D not going back to school until Monday. So in the meantime,need to freaking STUDY arrrghh.

Today was English Paper 1 and Chemistry Paper 1 AND 2 :( My right arm is really hurting from all the writing. I was doing the Directed Writing section and I was worried that I didn't have time to write my Section B essay and so I started with that one first. So I was writing and writing and writing and by the time I finished, there was not enough time to finish up my first one. We were supposed to give two other suggestions of our own other than the points given and and I did not have time to elaborate on my own points :( That pretty much sums it up. And as for Chemistry. Umm. I think I'm going to pass. I hope so. I want my marks to improve compared to my mid-years. I think I can do it? Trying to be optimistic :)

And next week we have Biology, Physics, Accounts, History and Agama.

So umm later :) Going to study,, go me!

"Nobody said it was easy,"

Anis L

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