Thursday, December 3, 2009

just after sunset

Yesterday we went to the Tung Shin Hospital in Jalan Pudu where Adlinur had an acupuncture treatment. The acupuncture department smelt of Chinese herbs and according to her, it is a little painful. There was a Malay man who suffers pain in his right leg because he has a terrible case of diabetes. His turn was right before Adlinur's. Like about five minutes after he entered the room, he came back out and asked for my father. When we registered, we could choose between a local doctor or a doctor from China, which costs slightly more. We chose the latter. The Chinese doctor was not very proficient in English, much less in Malay. In short, thankfully my father came along, so he could help translate for the doctor.

After that, we went to Sungei Wang. Basically shopped around and ate.

After that, we stopped by at Tesco and on the way, there was an accident by the highway. It looked like a hit and run case and the guy looked dead. Although if he was, they would have covered his body using newspapers or something, right? There was another guy on motorcycle who stopped by to help. But people who have just passed would most probably think he was the one who caused the accident, but he looked way too fine. Like the time when we helped an elderly couple who were also hit and run victims when we were on our way to Jalan TAR for last minute Raya shopping. Passersby would have thought we were the ones who hit them, when on the contrary, we actually stopped to help. Oh, well, so never judge a book by its cover because not everything is what it appears to be.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Bulan Baru

New Moon was AWESOME! Much, much better than Twilight, I would say. The slightly disappointing part is that they changed many parts of the book in the movie, although there is just so much of information it the book to put all of it into the movie. But I'm satisfied with the movie, so kudos to them :) and damn Taylor Lautner was so damn hot x) His body was WOW. Lol.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i'm psychic, woo!

I had a dream about this particular someone. Then I woke up this morning and went online and found that that person added me on fb. I don't even know why I dreamt about her, it was like a random day in school sort of dream and she happened to be in it. See, I am like psychic :p

Yay going out today. And damn I'm so hungry but I don't know what to eat. Am going to the kitchen to see what I can find. So umm later :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow

Praise be to Him. He is always there for us. I just couldn't stop crying while I prayed yesterday. I guess it is all okay. For now. But no doubt, it wouldn't last. Nothing ever does. Thanks too to my awesomest friends who are always there for me to help me keep my head straight. You know who you are ;) I heart you people so much.

Oh, and Eryn's coming home tomorrow, yay. We're gonna meet up at Mid. I just can't wait to watch Gossip Girl and other movies that she has :)

And damn, tomorrow is New Moon's premiere at Sunway Pyramid.I tried to win tickets which was giving out but to no avail :( Oh well, guess I'll have to catch it later then. Like last year, me and my sisters were so lucky we got good seats eventhough we bought the tickets for Twilight at the very last minute. Don't know if we'll get as lucky this time. I'm still Team Edward, story wise, but undeniably, Taylor Lautner is so much more hotter than Robert Pattinson :p

Monday, November 23, 2009

free pizza

so today Thara, Aida, Ad and I went to Pizza Hut to claim our free pizza, and coincidentally, Suet Yan's group also came to claim their free pizza today. So we sat at the same table and the pizza people got our orders all mixed up. I sure hope the trainee waiter doesn't get into dipshit or something. Then we went to SM and went karaoke-ing and that was fun. Lol. Then we walked around, eat some ice-cream and that was it. Hmm.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i've been good

Wow. 2009 is really coming to an end. I'm going for the field trip to HELP UniCollege thingy on Thursday, but not on Wednesday (to KBU) so I'm not going to school tomorrow. Will only be going to school on Thursday and that shall be the last day for us Fourth Formers.

Today passed by in a blur. Basically we only studied History all day because Pn G wants to finish up our syllabus. And I can tell you that four hours of Sejarah=yawnyawnyawn. But then Agama time we helped our ustazah to keep the painted rehals in the cabinets. It was a really good move to paint all the rehals black so that the girls cannot deface them, but I think that for those who enjoy doing that, it will not really stop them from doing so. Then we played snakes and ladders, but this version had Agama questions in them, so-called "belajar sambil bermain". When any of us almost reach the finish, we'd somehow get kicked back down. And we laughed so hard. Only Amalina M managed to reach the finish *claps* :)

It has been two weeks since. Still nothing. If I could turn back time, I'd have done it differently. But I can't. Sigh.

Ack, I wish Eryn can come home NOW! She told me that her friend had downloaded Gossip Girl up until episode 9 of freaking SEASON 3. And she has downloaded the whole new Paramore album, "Brand New Eyes". Come home NOWWWW.

I'm thinking of switching to Tumblr. Should I?

Tomorrow is freaking SPM whoa. All the best to all the candidates, especially Amelia Hany, who hasn't been in school and I still have no way to contact her, and Derek Kok :p

And my mum is calling me to eat. Toodles.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Because I'm stupid, thinking I could make it work.

I got out of one misery, and let myself plunge straight into another. It's just like me to get myself caught up in things like these. It's my brain. I think too much. I can go from being all cheery and jumpy to down and emo in five seconds flat. I know I'm being stupid, but I really can't help it.

And I know that none of what I said makes sense to anyone, but that's just me. I want to talk to someone about it cuz talking might make me feel better. But I don't want to talk to anyone about it cuz I don't know how to phrase it in words. See? I'm saying completely nonsensical stuff none of which even I understand myself.

You know what I need right now? Chocolate. And lots of it.

And I found them, yay. Going off to emo by myself and chocolate.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I just wanna

It's a miracle!

Yes, Anis Lam is still alive!

Okay, am being dramatic, but really, I expected that my parents would kill me.

Cuz on Thursday, we got our report card. I was worrying all day, thinking about how to face my parents. And, okay, I didn't do that bad, but by my own standards, I failed, cuz I could have done much better. I thought of showing it to them right before bed, so I could just go straight to bed. But then, suddenly I got all brave and just gave it to my mum (before I could change my mind) and my parents were calm enough about it. Although they did start their whole SPM-next-year, your-future-is-at-stake lecture, but I know I'm at fault. I have to work harder next year. I must.

And yesterday, we finally got our debate certs! Third place in zone :) Maybe it seems like nothing to some of you, but I am extremely proud of what we have done and achieved.

You know what I want to learn to do this holidays? I want to learn how to design my own blogskin :) That is besides brushing up on my Add Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc.

*grumble of stomach*

Oops, that is my stomach. I did not eat for dinner. And I haven't had breakfast. So tata for now, I got a tummy to treat :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

*gagging sound*

I am so tired. Too tired to update in detail :) Mixed feelings, happiness, sadness, numbness, nothingness. So basically yesterday was our Hari Anugerah HEM. And today was Pn NB's farewell ceremony and our class party. Had tons of fun today, eating, playing games and stuff. Maybe will upload pics later :) Sorry, but I'm just way too exhausted. And a little lazy :p

And tomorrow is the Form 3 Talentime Competition. In which my class will be helping the teachers out. And Su Ann and I will be emceeing. Again :)

*shuts down*

Monday, November 9, 2009


Today we got all our test papers back :x
I have
5A1s - English, Maths, Accounts, Agama, Biology
2A2s - Bahasa Melayu, Sejarah
2B3s - Physics, Chemistry
1C5 - Add Maths

It's so bad, I know. And All my friends keep saying it's okay, cuz they failed tons, but I'm comparing myself only to myself. I could have done so much better if I had studied. And both my parents asked me about my results today and I did not exactly ask tell that that I have a freaking C for Add Maths. They asked me, separately, if everything was A and I said no. Then they asked me which subjects did I get B for. So I told them. But they did not ask if I have a C. So now, they're assuming that I actually got an A for my Add Maths, I guess. I feel so bad. Yet so scared to tell them. I know they are so disappointed. Seeing me using the computer right now, my mother was like, you did not do well for your exams, and yet you want to use the computer and not study etc etc :(

Yesterday night, my handphone battery was almost empty. So I thought, whattheheck, I should just empty it and charge it from zero. So I listened to some MP3 till the battery went empty. Then when I wanted to turn on my charger, there was this weird sound then it wouldn't work. This is like the time Adlinur literally broke my charger, cuz she accidentally kicked it. Now, I have to resort to using the car charger, like the other day, until I buy a new charger, sigh.

School was, well school. During the assembly, Ms Goh announced that Puan Ng (my physics teacher) and Puan Intan are both being transferred to Johor and I-don't-know-where respectively. Then she told us that Puan NB was being promoted to some nice post in the Jabatan. And you could tell that the girls were very happy. I don't personally have a problem against her. But I did once get scolded by her for something I did not actually do, and my sister once got treated unfairly by her. But those shall not be spoken of here, cuz really, I do not bear any ill feelings against her :) (konon!)

Then Biology, we got back our test papers, and man, I did amazingly well for my Bio. My only A1 for all the Science subjects. And it is an improvement from my midterm exam. Maybe Biology is really my forte after all (Seriously, Anis, computers? You know you suck at calculations). Or really, I should be practicing more to improve on the stuff which I'm bad at. I must. Cuz next year is the. Umm. You know. I can do it! :D

Then we also had to return our SPBT books today. Like WOW morning exercise man, carrying all those books up to my class, which is on the second floor. Then I had to go run down to the bookshop to buy a new Biology textbook, cuz I lost mine (Don't ask me how, I don't know myself). Then I ran back up. Then Puan Liew told me to run back down to the SPBT room to get the inside cover stamped. Then I ran back up. Then I helped to carry the textbooks back down to the SPBT room. Which was like the second exercise I had today. And I got to hug Faii when she came to my class which is like aww :) I miss her. And well, we were like just randomly talking in class bout stuff, the lot of us. And we also discussed about our class party, which is this Wednesday.

After recess was BM, and we had a "Kuiz Bahasa" thingy and my group won. LOL. But I was sitting at the back, doing Sudoku puzzles in Fyda's book and only half-paying attention. But I had to pay attention when it was my turn cuz the people in my group would turn back and ask me what I thought the answer was. Not like my BM boleh pakai sangat, hahah :D Oh, oh, and there was this peribahasa, "Bagai ayam mabuk tahi", which we directly translated to English, and became, "Like a shit-drunken chicken", hahah. And then the remaining time after BM, which was English, I did some more Sudoku :)

I am awfully boring, you can kill me for it :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

So I got ready, and then me and my mum took a cab to Legend Hotel. And OMG freaky cab guy. He was like talking nonsense crap and asked me my name (???) and he tried to follow a longer route, as if we were that stupid. Then when we actually arrived, apparently he DID NOT TURN ON THE FREAKING METER =.= my mum said he most probably did it on purpose, so he could charge us more.

Did you know The Mall is like dead? So we went to Parkson and I got myself a new top yeay. And I cut my hair at Derrick’s Team Hairdressers. It’s just a tad shorter now, layered, with a side-swept fringe.

And now I’m waiting. Not really patiently.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

what happened

Yesterday we had the Mesyuarat Agung Koperasi thingy, and I went forward to say "Saya, Anis Lam binti Aliff Lam, dari kelas 4Sc3, menyokong cadangan Penyata Kewangan tahun 2009,2010 disahkan,". And while Puan Liew was explaining the whole accounts stuff, I felt like I was in accounts class, hahah. And get this, us fourth formers are only getting RM 0.50 each from the profit of all the sales =.= The third formers are getting RM 1.50, cuz their capital is bigger. The teachers, even worse, they're only getting RM0.30! But anyway, all the money will go to our class party.

And out of all the days, my teachers chose yesterday to give back all our test papers. So far, we've gotten back BM, English, Maths, Add Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Agama, Sejarah and Accounts. I don't know how the new grading system works, but according to the old one, I have A1 for English, Maths, Agama and Accounts, A2 for BM, B3 for Sejarah, Physics and Chemistry, and a freaking C5 for Add Maths :(

Oops, gotta quit ranting. Am going out to pick Adlinur up from her Hari Anugerah thing.

To be continued....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

happy birthday

Today is Amelia Hany's seventeenth birthday :) So, umm, happy birthday Kak Amy. But she didn't come to school, and she lost her phone, TWICE, so this is the only way I get to wish her. Hahah.
Today was just boring. Only cool part is we don't have to study. And we got free food at the end of the day :D
It keeps replaying in my head. I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY.
Anis L

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

tomorrow it may change

Today we got back our BM paper, and after summing it up, I only got 73% :( Which is like only 2 more marks for me to get an A1. Aargh am so disappointed with myself. I mean, I'm freaking Malay and I can't even get an A1 for my BM? Okay, I'm half-Malay, but still? I heard Darshini scored 77%. And she's a pure Indian *headdesks*

I wanted to post my essay today, but Hinduja borrowed my paper and took it home. So maybe tomorrow :) And today, during Bio, we were discussing about competition among plants. So Pn RS was like, "Okay so one plant in the box is corn. Give me another plant,". Then everyone was like strawberry, tebu, blablabla. Then teacher said, "This is like playing Farmville," Then I was like, "Yeah, Puan Raja's deepest darkest secret!" And then she was like "Shhhhhhh!" :D

I am still wearing the idiotic smile today :) It keeps replaying in my head, like a DVD. A happy, funny, romcom instead of the sad emoish story it used to play. *sighs happily*

Feeling lazy to go to school tomorrow. Not like we're studying. Tomorrow is the Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum. And the Majlis Perpisahan Tingkatan Lima. But I won't skip, cuz Anis Lam is a very good student who has never been absent without a good reason :p

And I am now out of things to say :X

Monday, November 2, 2009

i an ideot

Blog has been abandoned. Haven't been online, trying hard not to go There.

I just can't help but to smile idiotically today :) The day started out stinkingly. My whole class had to stand up throughout the assembly cuz we are the one of the dirtiest classes of last week, or 'kelas terkotor'. Yes, I know, my school is crazy. Anyway, yeah, my legs hurt so much, and today's assembly was so long cuz exams are over and everything.

Then all through BM after recess I had this massive headache. But English made me happyyyy :) I spent all of my time worrying over my English essay, because I did not elaborate on my last two points for my first essay, and I used what you can call coarse words in my second one. Anyway, I got 33/35 for the first essay, and 47/50 for the second one. Which brings it to a total of 80 /85. And I will post my essay, but not now cuz am feeling terribly lazy right now :) After English was Pendidikan Islam, of which I scored 91%. Which amazes me, cuz I didn't really study for my PI especially for my Paper 1 cuz I just felt really down and emo at that time. I scored 92% for Paper 1 and 89% for Paper 2. I am so proud of myself :) And might as well enjoy the sweet taste of success now, cuz I know I'll do bad in other subjects, ESPECIALLY addmaths and sciency stuff. Puan CK told us she's only getting our addmaths papers today, and will only most probably be done with it next week. So a whole week to enjoy myself? Haha.

And after school, I followed my mum and Adlinur to Sri Bestari. At first I didn't want to follow, but they were getting lunch so I had to. Most of the boys don't recognize me. So I talked mostly to Shaun and Ken Joo (Is this how to spell it? I'm not sure.) while the others tried guessing who I was. And also met some other people who I didn't know, cuz they entered the school after I have left.

Getting our English Paper 2 marks tomorrow, and maybe even BM. Yay?

"Two souls with but a single thought. Two hearts that beat as one."
Anis L

Friday, October 30, 2009

taste the freedom

FINALLY exams are over :) haven't been online for quite a bit. There were some random interesting stuff in school but I forgot about them :(

Exams were overall okay. Except for addmaths, which was the suck. Seriously. And and and Chemistry. I really hope I don't fail anything. Today right after History exam, our teacher gave us the answers and I only scored 30 upon 40. And I'm pretty sure I didn't really do well for the second paper. Hmm. And surprisingly, only 5 of us scored above 30, highest is 34, I think. Well, this is where you can say "Serves you right, Anis," cuz I've been wasting my time being emo. Or just plainly lazy. Nothing much to say now, not really in the mood. So umm ciaoooo.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Moving On

I don't even care if you're reading this. Cuz I don't think you care enough to care to read my blog anymore. Anyway, yesterday me and Trester were chatting. Then she called me then I called her and we were talking. And I feel a whole lot better now, like a supermassive burden has been lifted off of my chest, that used to make breathing harder. Yes, it was that bad. My girlfriends have been understanding and sweet and listened to my crapping while me being so down and emo, but it was really nice to have someone who can relate to me to talk about it. Trester Kaur, I officially love you :)

And YOU, you are such a big jerk, did you know that? All I expect is an explanation. Like that is so hard. Okay, maybe you are not a jerk. You just think what you're doing is the right thing to do. I'll let you know that it's not. Really. Please. Just say something.

Physics and Accounts tomorrow. Yay.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Am at Open House 3: Attack of The Famished Zombies.
No, seriously.
Nothing to say.
Except that I am crushed.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My momma told me not to, but I wouldn't listen.

Meera was all sweet, texting to ask me if everything is okay. Cuz she said I was quiet in school. I was touched :') We weren't exactly on good terms. There was like a break between us. We didn't fight or anything but we sort of went our own ways. But now we're okay. And well, her texting me to ask that was just so aww<3 It's nice and comforting to know I have my friends to back me up through times like these :)

I love them. And I hate myself. Someone, slap me please!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And Now, Class...

So yesterday we went to OU, but I didn't buy anything cuz not enough time :(

Woke up hearing my mother say "Sha, sha, bangun. Dah pukul enam,". I was like, what, why must I get up so early(in my head obviously)? My mum left the room and I tossed and turned some more. Then she came in again and she was like,"Sha, Nor, bangun cepat,". Then only did it hit me.

It was a school day


Then I had breakfast, which consisted of two pieces of Gardenia's Butterscotch bread thingy (deelish tho) and my mum's teh susu. When I got to school feeling so sleepy, and continued feeling that way, pretty much the rest of the day. First of all was English and I was like yawnyawn do we really have to do this? I mean, dude it's English. Then there was like this comic strip in one of the exercises we did which was about backbiting.

Puan Int: I know that this is happening among St. Marians. You talk bad things about the teachers behind their backs, don't you?

4Sc3: *uncomfortable silence*

I was like, lady, you are so talking about yourself there. Now, of course I didn't say that out loud. And OOPS look, now I'm backbiting at you again :p And when some of the kids at the back started talking, she was like "Why are you talking at the back? You are missing out the excitement in the front," to which Fariza and I laughed madly. Seriously, fun? It doesn't even exist in her dictionary. And get this: she even said something about how we students expect all our lessons to be fun and exciting. To which Mei Fen said something like, "Of course, we are kids of the new era. We are more vocal and we want our lessons to be fun. When they aren't, then we'll voice it out." Go, Mei Fen! :D

Maths was nothing. Some of us slept, some studied and some were talking. Then recess time, yay! Cuz FINALLY after bout two weeks, the Chinese stall is now open. Throughout the period of it being closed, I was totally clueless as of what to eat, lol. And today I finally got to eat my mihun sup with wantan x) Then after recess was Biology, which was not too boring. Although I did feel like sleeping, I didnt' cuz Biology is always fun with Puan Raja :) And it was funny how we all found medulla oblongata (or rather,how it is pronounced) funny. Mei Fen said medulla oblonggatal then Puan Raja was like ya la, you all so gatal :D And I left my Bio book at school. Pfft.

"Now I'm speechless,"
Anis L

Monday, October 19, 2009


Yes, I changed my layout again. I know it's not any prettier but I just felt like it :)

Been trying very hard to keep my mind off things that I really shouldn't be thinking about. I don't care if you're reading this, and if this makes me sound extremely shallow and stupid, but

I miss you :(

So, maybe I did get carried away, but what we have is better than nothing. Or had? I don't know. You tell me.

Happy Birthday Ameera

Ameera Syakila's birthday is today! Since you deleted your account, I don't have any pics of you to put here :) But anyway,

Happy Birthday Hunn

we're so cool

stupid title :)

I am still at my aunt's house, slept over and now it's The Morning After. We went home, showered, changed into PJs then came back here. And yeahh. So basically what we did was eat eat and eat. And camwhored liek whoa :D

Picspam at my Facebook yaww


Sunday, October 18, 2009

return of the hungry people

Today we're going to Aunty Aza's house again. According to Mia, it is Open House 2: Return of The Hungry people. Hahaha. Still feeling teh very crappy. Yay.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

eat this

Am not going to Meera's house :( BOOOOOOO. *sighs* My mum said that her house is too far away. It's just in KD, woman, and I've been there before. Anyway, got invited to Aunty Aza's open house and maybe so as to not have me bite her head off, my mum allowed me to go to that one. Better than nothing, right? Oh, well.

And yesterday, we went to SM and met up with Aunty Naili, Nureen, Syahmi and Iman and ate at KFC. So, apparently, my mum had the nagging feeling of meeting up with Aunty Naili because she is going for the Hajr this year, next week in fact. We were neighbours, before we moved. And uhh, before that we went to Parkson and I ran into my primary school teacher which was GAH cuz he is like psycho. He had like a grudge against me, cuz my mum was the type who complains if there's anything she disagrees to. Mainly it's because he uses violence against children. He seriously slaps kids and everything. I know that maybe some people will say that kids these days are too pampered and soft, but really, what he does is too much. Once, he sprayed this kid using the fire hydrant then forced the kid to go dry out in the sun. Like WTF? And because my mum voiced out her disagreement over the matter, and he teaches me BM, he NEVER gave me the best marks for my BM essays. Which is totally carp cuz I write obviously better than my friend who always got the highest in class for BM. When I was in Standard Six, and a different teacher taught us only could I get back on top. From what I gather, he is like that cuz his kid is sick. Yes, I'm sympathetic about your child but that is no reason to go hitting other people's kids for no good reason. Mkay?

And then, yeah me and Syahmi were talking bout stuff. It's nice that he could initiate a conversation, cuz I was never one to start. And little Iman doesn't remember me. Cuz yeah, we've only seen each other a few times since she was born. She was born after we moved, I think. But she said I was pretty and I was like awww I'm flattered, hahah :D Please to be ignoring the self-centered betch yeah?

And I totally failed at eating healthy. I had Oreo and milk for LUNCH (wtf right) and then KFC's Toasted Twister for dinner. I have absolutely no appetite to eat. But I forced myself to anyway.
Spent the past week emoing. Yeah, I'm pretty bummed. Usually, I would be crying but I can't. It feels stuck in my chest and it doesn't want to come out :( And I pray to God so as to give me the strength to face this. I am weaker than what I try to pull off. Emee said that I think too much. I think so too, but I can't help it. Thanks to Emee, for always being there for me <3 data-blogger-escaped-:="" data-blogger-escaped-above="" data-blogger-escaped-absolute="" data-blogger-escaped-an="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-appreciate="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-betch="" data-blogger-escaped-can="" data-blogger-escaped-complete="" data-blogger-escaped-count="" data-blogger-escaped-div="" data-blogger-escaped-emee="" data-blogger-escaped-even="" data-blogger-escaped-everyone="" data-blogger-escaped-hates="" data-blogger-escaped-head="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-it="" data-blogger-escaped-keep="" data-blogger-escaped-know="" data-blogger-escaped-love="" data-blogger-escaped-m="" data-blogger-escaped-me.="" data-blogger-escaped-my="" data-blogger-escaped-nice="" data-blogger-escaped-not="" data-blogger-escaped-on="" data-blogger-escaped-s="" data-blogger-escaped-score="" data-blogger-escaped-squeezes="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-through="" data-blogger-escaped-times="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-water.="" data-blogger-escaped-when="" data-blogger-escaped-you="">

"Maybe I do?"
Anis L

Friday, October 16, 2009

hand in mine

finally this week is OVER. I wanted to update, but there's really nothing interesting, just exams.

So...the past three days in recap:

I woke up at 3am for the past three days to study, which is TEH FREAKING FUN seriouslyyyy ;p I think I'm going to make it like an examination ritual, lol. So on Tuesday, I had Biology an BM Paper 1, which were okay. Biology was not too hard, but nonetheless I still made mistakes :( And and BM karangan I actually had a clue of what I was writing :D

Then on Wednesday, we had freaking Physics and Maths. Physics was THE SUCK. Nuff said :( Maths was okay, and it was objective. Except my mind went totally blank at one point and therefore, I made careless mistakes AGAIN.

But I was determined to make up for my Maths Paper 2, which was on Thursday, along with Agama. And yeah, I think I did fairly good in both those papers :)
Oh and yesterday, when we were waiting for Maths to start, my Maths teacher, Puan Norhuda rushed in through the front door and said,"Okay girls, Maths paper is cancelled. Kertas hilang,". Half the class went "wtf?" and the other half went "woohoo!". We all thought she was being serious. Then about 10 minutes later she asked us to put our bags outside the classroom and everyone went $!%#@##@#@*^?!?!??! Apparently, she was just tricking us and there was Maths after all =.=

And I came home yesterday feeling so tired. I haven't been eating right for the past few days cuz I really had no appetite :( Maybe it's the examinations anxiety, and well, something else too which has been bothering my head. As if I'm not skinny enough. Seriously, I must look like I'm anorexic or bullimic or something. Gah. Can someone tell me how to become fatter? I was telling my mum how I want to join the school cheerleading team next year, what with it being my last year and everything. And she was like, "Oh no, don't even think about it. Hah dahla Adlinur kena sakit kaki, kamu jangan nak tambah lagi masalah ye? Nanti patah tulang patah kaki blablabla siapa yang susah.Besarkan badan tu dulu,", which is like impossible. I. WILL. NEVER. GROW. FAT. END. So I will only be cheerleading for Mcneil. Pfffft.

I still remember last year, after the last paper, which was Geography, everyone was like cheering and Jaszmin and I ran out of the hall and hugged each other, jumping. The feeling was so exhilarating, I could taste the sweet sensation of freedom :) And post-PMR, there was really nothing to do. TOTAL COOLNESS waaah I miss those days :(

Woo and this Sunday I'm going to Ameera's house for makanmakan yeahhh. Free food :D
And we're planning to go to OU afterwards. Something to look forward to after this gruelling week which has been totally craptastic. I pray for things to get better.

Dear Person I Will Not Name, could you forgive me? I take back my words, I do not hate you, it is really me who has gone mental. Apologies, so umm, friends? :)

My blog sucketh.

"I'm sitting all alone, feeling empty,"
Anis L

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yes, I know I said I won't get online. But I can't help myself, hahah. Besides, I woke up at 3am to study bio which is yeay but I feel so sleepy. My dad made me coffee, Nescafe Gold, thank you Daddy :) Slept at 10pm yesterday. I felt so sleepy when I got back home from school but I forced myself to do some studying. Now it is 4am and I should finish reading everything by 6am.

Yesterday, Accounts was okay. History was blaaahhhh. I never was a big fan of the subject. So many things to remember, eek! And yesterday, while we 4Sc3-ians were studying for History, a bird flew right in and fell smack on the floor. Then, it flew towards Vashti's table and Vashti ran to the back of the class screaming. Neshalane, always the brave one ever since I've known her in Form 1, went and took the bird and released it outside. Why did I bother writing bout that? God knows. And suddenly it rained very heavily when we just started our History paper. Anis Lam, being the very kind person she is (:P) together with Fariza and Mei Fang, went outside and helped to carry all the bags inside. And Puan Rabiah gave us extra 3 minutes to answer the paper. Which I did not even use. But I would say I have done my best :)

And the main reason why I wanted to blog here is that I'm so angry at someone.
saya benci kamu yeahhhhhhhhh.
you big fat liar. undecided idiot.
i hate youuuuuuuu
soooooooooooo much

Oops! That was longer than I intended it to be. It is now 4.15 am.
Biology, bye.

"I never wanted to say this,"
Anis L

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Am feeling so disgusted. I feel like vomiting :( It's like SICK SICK SICK. And really, I should be telling SOMEONE about it but obviously it will turn into a supermassive huge fight, and I don't want that to happen. As if there isn't enough stuff messing with my head already. But not telling would be WRONG, so WRONG. Why does life have to be so tough? Oh, yeah, cuz it IS life :(

My head is messed up. I'm supposed to study for Sejarah. Only I am freaking not. Been thinking too much lately, about things I shouldn't. But I can't help it. Like yesterday, I texted with Emee til late and I just told her everything and there were also stuff that I didn't even know was actually inside my head. See? I'm a proper mental. And again it's between doing what's right and what I want to do. I don't want it either, but I want it. WTF? And yesterday at bout 1am someone called me using a public phone and asked me if remember him. I was like what who are you? Then he was like Amir from primary. I was like no, I don't remember anyone named Amir from primary. Then he asked me who am I. I was like wtf, you're calling me and you don't know who am I? He was like my friend told me to call you. I was like whattheheck bye and hung up. It has been a long time since I get pestered by unknown people, calling my number and texting me. They must somehow found my number again or something. Maybe some girls love that kind of attention but I DON'T *does death glare*. So people, uhh stop?

Man, I'm like so lame. I don't even have anything interesting to blog about, heh. Now, if this was my diary, I'd write like EVERYTHING here. But because this is the Internet and it is like public, so some stuff cannot be posted here and others have to be edited for privacy and other reasons before they are posted here :) Will try my best to be completely honest here though, lol.

Am going to try my best not to go online anymore for this week. Maybe only on Wednesday will I get back on here. So umm,

Goodbye evil, distracting, root-of-all-evil Internet!

for now x)

"When you go, would you even turn to say, I don't love you like I did yesterday,"
Anis L

Saturday, October 10, 2009

pretty people

They are so beautiful they make me cry ;)

Angelina Jolie
She is like so beautiful, need I say more?

Keira Knightley
Look at her cheekbones!

Hayley Williams
Rocker chick? I don't care. Prettiness.

Emily Browning
Her eyes are just mesmerizing.

Well, I'm always thankful to God for the way I am.
But I can't help but to feel jealous of them, in a good way, that is :)

"Take me the way I am,"
Anis L

Friday, October 9, 2009

studystudystudy yawww

I didn't go online at all yesterday, and spent all my time studying :) I am SO proud of myself, hahah. I finished studying accounts, woo! Now I need to study for Bio, Phys, History, Maths and Agama. Why, oh, why did they have to put all those factual subjects in one week?

I was going through some pretty old music collection, and I found nice old stuff. They just don't make those kind of meaningful music anymore do they? Bands like Sixpence None The Richer, the Cranberries, they used to be really big. And I get it, we're supposed to be moving forward, but does moving forward means singing songs about sex, sex and sex? Okay, maybe I'm not the right person to judge what's good music and what's not, considering the stuff I hear are mostly like grungy rockish stuff, but really, it's sickening how most of the songs today lack meaning. Music-wise, it's kinda maybe decent or really good, but the lyrics are totally meaningless. Like, did you know Britney Spears "If U Seek Amy" really means f-*-c-k me? SICK right?

But, ah, like I said, who am I to judge?

"Kiss me beneath the milky twilight,"
Anis L

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Thank God for PMR for when there is PMR, there is a two-days PMR holiday :D not going back to school until Monday. So in the meantime,need to freaking STUDY arrrghh.

Today was English Paper 1 and Chemistry Paper 1 AND 2 :( My right arm is really hurting from all the writing. I was doing the Directed Writing section and I was worried that I didn't have time to write my Section B essay and so I started with that one first. So I was writing and writing and writing and by the time I finished, there was not enough time to finish up my first one. We were supposed to give two other suggestions of our own other than the points given and and I did not have time to elaborate on my own points :( That pretty much sums it up. And as for Chemistry. Umm. I think I'm going to pass. I hope so. I want my marks to improve compared to my mid-years. I think I can do it? Trying to be optimistic :)

And next week we have Biology, Physics, Accounts, History and Agama.

So umm later :) Going to study,, go me!

"Nobody said it was easy,"

Anis L

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I hate myself.

There's no word fit to describe how I feel right now. I feel confused,agitated,annoyed. And the worst part of it all is that I don't even know why :/ this sucks. I can't let myself get distracted. Not because of this, not now.

I feel so angry at myself.
I hate myself for:
1 Being so stupid.
2 Being so vulnerable.
3 Being so miserable.
4 Being so emotional.
5 Being so careless.
6 Caring so much.
7 Being so fragile.
8 Thinking too much.
9 Feeling so ugly.
10 Hating myself

I can go beyond ten reasons, but it's better if I don't. I'm sick in the mind to actually hate myself. I hate myself for hating myself :( Does that make any sense? Fix me, please.

"When I caught myself, I had to stop myself."
Anis L

Monday, September 21, 2009

finally :)

I'm back to CIVILIZATION :D Well, OK, that is being too dramatic :) But, yeah I LOVE THE CITY. I wanted to blog on Saturday, but there was nothing to be blogged about :)

Hari Raya, food was awesome! We have the best lemang, ketupat, rendang around :D heh nothing much to say.

I know its face is lke garang but the colour of this cat is really nice.
I'm a sucker for cats x)

My grandma said she had one chicken whose head is terbalik, she tried to call the chicken out but it didn't want to come out cuz she had already fed the chickens. Then, when we were on the way to my grandma's house, there was this massive, and yes I mean MASSIVE traffic jam at the Pasir Besar area. Apparently, there was this accident. My aunt who actually passed by the scene of the accident (we took a different route) said the driver's seat was like, crushed straight into the steering wheel. So imagine that. In conclusion, drive safe this festive season.

Ingatlah orang yang tersayang :)

"Selamat Hari Raya,"Anis L

Friday, September 18, 2009

holiday :)

I am so happy that today is a holiday :)

When they actually announced it on TV I was like WOOHOO! Hahaha. Anyway, I wanted to blog about the Merdeka celebration, but I was like damn tired.

First thing in the morning, Su Ann said she doesn't want to wear her cheongsam cuz it is too tightfitting. I was like telling her again and again that it looks just fine on her. And thankfully, she agreed to it. Or else it would be so cacat-ed with only me and Kanishya in traditional clothes. So we had a full run-through and thankfully everything went well. But this year's celebration is sort of dead, what with puasa and everything. And it was only a half-day celebration cuz some of the Form 5 still have exams. Anyway, I was so tired cuz imagine, sitting, no, mostly standing in killer high heels back stage, UNDER the wall fan in my baju kurung of non-breathable material, DYING :( Oh, for the record, I was wearing this yellow baju kurung which I bought for this shoot when I was in Form 1, and this pair of black high heels which Emee lent to me, cuz I don't wear high heels. But then nak perasan tinggi once in a while :D I really was a lot taller. But then there are no pictures cuz no one made a pass to bring cameras. Grrrr.

And then after the whole thing I was already so tired, then I had to climb up two floors back to my class, get my stuff and go back down. I was about to go out the gate when Adlinur said we had to WALK ALL THE WAY TO KAMPUNG MELAYU.

As if I wasn't fainting already. For those of you who don't know, Kampung Melayu is right beside Taman Intan Baiduri. My mum asked us to walk there to avoid the massive traffic, cuz school was dismissed at 1.25 pm for everyone. So we walked all the way to the "borderline".

We waited.

And waited.

And waited.

When no one came, we decided to walk back to school. And found that



Apparently, my dad didn't hear my mum telling him we would be waiting there. I was so happy that I could go back at 1.25pm, cuz I always have classes til 2.05pm. Even on Friday, til 1.35pm. In the end, there was no point, as we went back almost 2pm anyway. I was parched, but obviously I couldn't drink. So after I prayed, I totally crashed out til close to buka time.

Pathetic ramblings, I know :)

And today is well, oh so boring. Nothing to do online :(
"Pay no more than absolutely zero,"
Anis L

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


stress :(

Tomorrow is the Merdeka celebration thing, and we went down for the rehearsal. So yeah with Su Ann having been sick and all, it was only today that we actually had a go at the whole thing. We weren't even done with the introduction when Puan Rabi'ah, who was there, commented on how we were using 'bahasa rojak', and we cannot do so. It was something like "You ni kan?" and blablah. The point is that we can't 'rojakkan' English with BM. The whole sentence must be either fully in English or in BM. The thing is, to us, that is how Malaysians speak, it is Malaysian. And she said she wasn't siding to BM or anything (she's a BM teacher) but we cannot use 'bahasa rojak'.

And, believe it or not, she actually said that it's like Merdeka and stuff, so we should use more BM in our script, no point in celebrating Merdeka if our minds are still being conquered. Now, I know my BM isn't that good, and I don't have anything against it. I appreciate the beauty of it. It's just that my English is better. But what I couldn't stand was her opinion on how we are still being conquered, judging by the mere fact that we use a lot of English. Did I mention that she's a History teacher too? So, yeah, do the math.

And Mrs Ganaser hasn't been in school :( Now, she is a teacher who lets us do things our way. She gives a short briefing an some guidelines but she lets us decide what we think would be best. It was she who has given us the chance to become the emcees again. I wished she was there today :( But, oh well. We can do it our way, like, to hell with what Puan Rabi'ah thinks, but we respect her. I think what we should do is see Mrs Ganaser tomorrow. I really hopes she comes to school tomorrow. She better does.

We tried editing our script so that it isn't 'rojak' but by doing so, the script has lost its true life and meaning. And we lost our spirits too.

I pray for the best. I hope it all works out.

"You hold me without touch, and keep me without chains,"
Anis L

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today was another new day for me :)

It started out with me having the weirdest sahur of Sate Kajang and a slice of Secret Recipe's New York Cheese :D hahah. Then I went to school as usual. Nothing interesting, really. Me and Kanishya worked on our Merdeka celebration script. Only then, did another 4Sc3 moment happen :)

It was something like this:

Thanusha (T): Who is a Malay here?

Anis (A): *raises hand*

T: Selamat hari raya....

A: ????

T: After that what?

A: Kepada saudara serta saudari

T: *says something to Mei Fang*

A: Setahun hanya sekali

Mei Fen: Setahun hanya sekali

A: Merayakan hari yang mulia ini

(then Vashti, Masylini, Fariza and Shakiina started singing)

T: Eh, eh keep quiet. I regretted asking that.

Kanishya: Where else can you find a class that bursts out singing like in High School Musical?


Truly, there is no other class quite like ours :)

"Here we go again,"
Anis L

Monday, September 14, 2009


Random post :D

I am going to try to update my blog frequently now. But I don't really have much to say :) We are getting closer to Hari Raya!ticktockticktockTICKTOCK :DD
but also means



I am still unprepared and umm,really worried :(

Moving on to happier things,
I just want to say that



We are like the rocking-est class and I lovelovelove my class so much.

"Please, ignore the crapping girl with the weird glasses :D"
Anis L

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Finally, my blog is not naked anymore :D I have given it a facelift, and well, it looks a tad better, don't you think so too?

I am so mad. My Facebook account won't open, no matter how I try. I can open every other website except Facebook :( grr. I'll have to try again later.

And yeay Hari Raya is just around the corner! I am so excited and excited and excited :DD Hopefully, I can fast for a full month this year. I just simply can't wait for all the food: ketupat, lemang, rendang YUM. I'm making myself hungry, hahah.

And oh, Su Ann, Kanishya and me are going to emcee the closing ceremony for the Merdeka celebration. Which is yeay for me! Cuz i just love becoming the emcee :) My track record:
1. Inter-class Choral Speaking Competition (Form 2)
2. Inter-class Choral Speaking Competition (Form 1)
3. Inter-school Public Speaking Competition (Sentul Zone)
4. School-level Merdeka Celebration (Opening Ceremony)


And now, I have a new record to add to all of that :) Well, what can I say, indeed, I love the spotlight.

Moving on to serious-er things,
*cue chilling music*
I've tried studying but I can't seem to absorb anything :( Derek said he'll buy me lunch if I pass everything, but I want to score. I am getting dumber by the minute. I used to be the pride of my parents, the smart one they could show off to their friends with pride. But now I am going to bring them shame. Their daughter who was one of the Top 30 Scorers in Kuala Lumpur for UPSR 2005, can't even get number one in class anymore :( I am going to work as hard as I possibly can. I'll make sure Derek buys me lunch :D But most importantly, I want to get back on top, for my parents, and myself :)

And so I have to end this and get to work NOW.

Anis L

Thursday, September 3, 2009

So it does work :)

Yeay! My attempt at moblogging is a success! So hopefully, you'll be seeing more of my posts :)

No readers. I suck. I know hahaa :D

Anis L


I'm trying mobile blogging,to see if it works :)
haha.i would love to update my blog always but i don't have access to a proper internet sucks,i know.but there's nothing i can do about it.
finals in less than 1 month.I AM GOING TO DIE.seriously.i don't understand so many things.DEAD.
my blog is a big bore,ain't it?

"Can't you see that it's YOU that I want?"
Anis L

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I am crushed. Way beyond repair. OK, maybe that is a teensy bit exaggerating. But truly, I am feeling so sad ;(

I was hoping I could become a school prefect. And well, I'm not chosen. I know, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, not something I should cry about but I can't help it.

I was 100% convinced that I would be able to get it. And thus, explaining why I just can't accept the fact that I did not make the final cut. I aced the interview, I would say. I was confident. But then again, that could be just the very reason. Maybe I was too confident.

Someone repair me,
Anis L

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Dammit. I can't get him out of my mind. I've been thinking about ONLY HIM for the past few days, besides eating and drinking. Which is nonsense, 'cause I know he probably doesn't even remember me. Maybe he would remember me, but he's not thinking about me. duhh.

So..what is it that draws me to him? I would say it's his personality. No, seriously.
But I don't think he will like me. I mean, what am I compared to him? He's next to perfect and I'm next to nothing.

Besides, I think he already has a girlfriend, or at least is interested in someone. Maybe fate will bring us together again. And I can make that happen. But is it meant to be? Oh, well, a girl can dream, can't she?

And I'll try. I'm not giving up on this one :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Morning

Haven't felt this well rested in weeks. It has all been a maddening rush with debate.

We made it to the zone semifinals in which we lost against Kepong Baru. And I'm really proud of ourselves because we put up a goodfight. I'm grateful to God that we got the chance to go against one of the best teams. Congrats and all the best to them.

It has been a very good experience overall. And I will definitely miss all of us working together. But we will enter any debate competitions if we have the opportunity to.

There are many things I learnt throughout debate. I can speak confidently in front of public now. Before any competition, there was always a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, but when I'm actually out there, I don't feel the fear anymore. And another thing I learnt is just to go out there and have fun. Seriously, I find the whole arguing part fun. And I am experienced in that department, I've had tons of practice with my sisters :D But the whole point here is to enjoy yourself, and not really think about winning.

Especially to the team: I will always appreciate the bond that we share, the good times we had. I love you guys!

Miss Sim
Su Ann
Jasmine C


Oh and I'm looking forward to our celebration lunch too :))

"I am one hell of a corrupted Prime Minister in debate :)"
Anis L

Saturday, June 27, 2009

MJ :)

So yeah, the King of Pop is dead. I was never really a big fan of him, what with the bad plastic surgery and the child molestation case (which later, it was said that the parents of the kid accused him and it was not true). And when I was little, I was slightly confused about his gender. I mean, I actually thought he was a woman :D

Anyway, now there's the issue about him converting in to Islam. The thing is I heard it a long time ago, maybe last year. I was looking for Lady GaGa's "The Fame" tracklisting when I saw the little corner of gossip by the sidebar. It said that Michael Jackson has converted into Islam. There was a picture of him wearing some sort of a veil. And it also said that he converted because of his relative, if I'm not mistaken, his name was Friday Jackson. He went to perform the Haj and brought back religious books, which MJ read and he chose to convert to Islam. When I told my mother, she was like don't trust whatever people put on the web. Well, the Internet is full of lies. But after yesterday, they showed the press statement in which his brother, Jermaine Jackson (who is also said to be a Muslim, his Islam name is Muhammad Aziz Abdullah), said "May Allah bless him.". And it started one hell of a controversy.

They also said that his Muslim name is Mikael. Well, may God bless him.

And I, the still very alive person, need to go eat :)

"Yes, dumbass, I like you very much. Pretty obvious isn't it?"
Anis L

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I still love the both of you very much

My life is so boring. I am an uninteresting person.

Sometimes, I want things to go back to the way they were but to me it seems impossible.
Believe me, I've tried. But I think that no matter what I do, it will never be the same again.

She's a changed person. Not the person I used to be close to. As to why and how we grew apart, I just can't figure it out. I always thought we were going to be the best of friends forever. But in my life, that has never happened so far. Every time I get too close to someone, and we become "BFFs", it never lasts. Ever. It's like a curse.

And I thought I was okay with it when we grew apart, that I don't care if it happens. I almost convinced myself that it's true. But it was all just made up. I can't lie to myself anymore.

I miss the good times when we were together, just the two if us. Then one day, she brought someone in and it became the three of us. I was totally comfortable with that. It was good. Then somehow the third person slipped away in a blink of an eye. We didn't grow apart, we just parted. And I'm totally clueless as to why that happened, too. I miss being close to her too ;(
I miss them.

And now they're close to some of these people. I know I'm nothing compared to them. They're fun people. And I'm just dull and boring. I know she feels very happy when she's with them. She feels at home, that she belongs.

I don't completely blame her. I'm not pointing fingers at any one, in fact. I ditched her on her birthday last year. But it was only out of fear of feeling left out, feeling completely out of place. And I know she cried about me ditching her and that makes me doubly sad. But being the coward I am, I just couldn't bring myself to join her on her birthday. I should have.

And this year, I can see she's trying to put an effort to be close with me again. I'm trying to, too. I really, truly hope it works out.

And I cried all through typing this and I look terrible.

Anis L.

Friday, May 8, 2009

wtf is wrong with you people?

so I was at the surau the other day.and i found a rehal which had writings about me and Jaszmin.yo people,we can act all bitchy and all effed up for all we want. What does it friggin have to do with you?
and there was also something about my ANCIENT HISTORY which was written there.I'm talking Ice Age here.I've gotten over my past,but it seems SOME PEOPLE whose names i wont mention here are still holding on to's history people.i thought you people aren't supposed to like it?
seriously people,i have moved on.maybe you people should do it too.


Anis L

Saturday, April 25, 2009

girls just wanna have fun ;)

so i was telling how i'm at thara's righhhttt?still am :) oh and we went swimming.or she went swimming,i was just wading in the water heee.well i am getting better thanks to thara *claps*
and here's a super hot picture of us

well too bad we were using this special super-protective sunscreen which made us invisible ;) oops!sorry boys *winks*

check out my myspace for the un-invisible ones ;D

boohoo I have to go home now ;((
bye thara.


am at tharas house.whee.
"HI *smiling wide with braces*!!">
hahaha.i came here after speech day.
we are supposed to be working on some video.things are getting better between us :)

am clueless of what to do.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

stupid clip mic

hello :) haven't been updating in a while.
so today I was involved in a sketch about racial integration...
and my clip mic didn't work properly.
I am still very frustrated about it,I can't even talk about it.grr.

moving on to other things,
I got my new glasses on the 7th of February. I wear them in class all the time,coz I sit right at the back and am literally blind without them. They're kinda cool :)
I've heard all sorts of comments about them,but the most interesting one is someone saying they look like the glasses used to see ghosts in "Thirteen Ghosts" ;D

And I found a person who looks almost just like me. Her name is Farida Amira. We're so alike in our pictures,it's almost scary.But I've yet to meet her in person.

Til' next time,
Anis L ;)

Monday, February 2, 2009


This was totally spontaneous of us sisters.This is our guy version of Shontelle's "T-Shirt",titled "G-String" ;D

Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this shirt and these Converse shoes
Taking them off cuz I feel a fool
Tryna look good when I'm missing you

I'ma step out of these boxers,hey
Curl up in a ball with something CK
In bed I lay
With nothing but your G-string on
With nothing but your G-string on

lol.We sort of got inspired after listening to the remake of Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" by R. Kelly. That one totally sucked. Honestly.

Hari Wilayah ;D

Hello;hello :) So,yesterday was Hari Wilayah.So today is a holiday ;D hahah.Pity those who aren't in
Some of you probably heard of the audition at Sri Pentas,where they are looking for a new host for an NTV7 kids program.I tried out for the audition.While I was waiting to be called up to the level where they were having the audition,I sat down waiting at the lobby.Out came this large group of people from the elevator,and suddenly, I heard someone calling me.Being shortsighted,I couldn't see who it was,till she was close.It was *drum rolls* Anith Aqilah!Damn, I miss her so much!So she was there with the rest of the OIAM finalists.Remember to catch One In A Million season 3 every Friday,and vote for Anith Aqilah,ok?
Anyway,I did fairly okay at the audition ;) But when they asked me to speak in Malay,that was pretty weird.I mean,yeah,I speak in Malay but it was slightly weird cuz I had to make it appropriate for TV.
I think that's all for now.
Waiting for her knight in shining Armani,
Anis L ;)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I've yet to get any readers but i'm writing anyway :)
So today, I went to the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital in PJ.Before you say anything,I wasn't there for any serious eye problems.I just went to the Optometry section to have an eye check-up and to get myself a new pair of spectacles.People who know me would know that I don't wear spectacles eventhough I need to.Thanks to that,my power has increased tremendously since the last time I went for a check-up.the doctor suggested that I start wearing glasses,like,all the time.So in a week's time,you'll probably see me wearing glasses fully :) I have been wanting to get myself a pair of white cat eyes glasses.They're like so cool.Unfortunately,those weren't available at the hospital ;( So I settled for the normal type.pfft.

Anis L

Friday, January 30, 2009


Well,they always say that there's a first time for everything.
This is the first entry for *drum rolls* "The Super-Duper-Flooper" ;D
I hope that I'll update this blog frequently. I'l try to. You see, I usually write in my own private journal, but lately, I've been like, super lazy to do so :D I'm out of words so I hope that this is a first for many more to come :) Thanks for reading!

Yours Truly,
Anis L