Thursday, December 3, 2009
just after sunset
After that, we went to Sungei Wang. Basically shopped around and ate.
After that, we stopped by at Tesco and on the way, there was an accident by the highway. It looked like a hit and run case and the guy looked dead. Although if he was, they would have covered his body using newspapers or something, right? There was another guy on motorcycle who stopped by to help. But people who have just passed would most probably think he was the one who caused the accident, but he looked way too fine. Like the time when we helped an elderly couple who were also hit and run victims when we were on our way to Jalan TAR for last minute Raya shopping. Passersby would have thought we were the ones who hit them, when on the contrary, we actually stopped to help. Oh, well, so never judge a book by its cover because not everything is what it appears to be.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Bulan Baru
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
i'm psychic, woo!
Yay going out today. And damn I'm so hungry but I don't know what to eat. Am going to the kitchen to see what I can find. So umm later :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tomorrow, tomorrow
Oh, and Eryn's coming home tomorrow, yay. We're gonna meet up at Mid. I just can't wait to watch Gossip Girl and other movies that she has :)
And damn, tomorrow is New Moon's premiere at Sunway Pyramid.I tried to win tickets which was giving out but to no avail :( Oh well, guess I'll have to catch it later then. Like last year, me and my sisters were so lucky we got good seats eventhough we bought the tickets for Twilight at the very last minute. Don't know if we'll get as lucky this time. I'm still Team Edward, story wise, but undeniably, Taylor Lautner is so much more hotter than Robert Pattinson :p
Monday, November 23, 2009
free pizza
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
i've been good
Today passed by in a blur. Basically we only studied History all day because Pn G wants to finish up our syllabus. And I can tell you that four hours of Sejarah=yawnyawnyawn. But then Agama time we helped our ustazah to keep the painted rehals in the cabinets. It was a really good move to paint all the rehals black so that the girls cannot deface them, but I think that for those who enjoy doing that, it will not really stop them from doing so. Then we played snakes and ladders, but this version had Agama questions in them, so-called "belajar sambil bermain". When any of us almost reach the finish, we'd somehow get kicked back down. And we laughed so hard. Only Amalina M managed to reach the finish *claps* :)
It has been two weeks since. Still nothing. If I could turn back time, I'd have done it differently. But I can't. Sigh.
Ack, I wish Eryn can come home NOW! She told me that her friend had downloaded Gossip Girl up until episode 9 of freaking SEASON 3. And she has downloaded the whole new Paramore album, "Brand New Eyes". Come home NOWWWW.
I'm thinking of switching to Tumblr. Should I?
Tomorrow is freaking SPM whoa. All the best to all the candidates, especially Amelia Hany, who hasn't been in school and I still have no way to contact her, and Derek Kok :p
And my mum is calling me to eat. Toodles.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I just wanna
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
*gagging sound*
And tomorrow is the Form 3 Talentime Competition. In which my class will be helping the teachers out. And Su Ann and I will be emceeing. Again :)
*shuts down*
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Did you know The Mall is like dead? So we went to Parkson and I got myself a new top yeay. And I cut my hair at Derrick’s Team Hairdressers. It’s just a tad shorter now, layered, with a side-swept fringe.
And now I’m waiting. Not really patiently.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
what happened
Yesterday we had the Mesyuarat Agung Koperasi thingy, and I went forward to say "Saya, Anis Lam binti Aliff Lam, dari kelas 4Sc3, menyokong cadangan Penyata Kewangan tahun 2009,2010 disahkan,". And while Puan Liew was explaining the whole accounts stuff, I felt like I was in accounts class, hahah. And get this, us fourth formers are only getting RM 0.50 each from the profit of all the sales =.= The third formers are getting RM 1.50, cuz their capital is bigger. The teachers, even worse, they're only getting RM0.30! But anyway, all the money will go to our class party.
And out of all the days, my teachers chose yesterday to give back all our test papers. So far, we've gotten back BM, English, Maths, Add Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Agama, Sejarah and Accounts. I don't know how the new grading system works, but according to the old one, I have A1 for English, Maths, Agama and Accounts, A2 for BM, B3 for Sejarah, Physics and Chemistry, and a freaking C5 for Add Maths :(
Oops, gotta quit ranting. Am going out to pick Adlinur up from her Hari Anugerah thing.
To be continued....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
happy birthday
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
tomorrow it may change
Monday, November 2, 2009
i an ideot
I just can't help but to smile idiotically today :) The day started out stinkingly. My whole class had to stand up throughout the assembly cuz we are the one of the dirtiest classes of last week, or 'kelas terkotor'. Yes, I know, my school is crazy. Anyway, yeah, my legs hurt so much, and today's assembly was so long cuz exams are over and everything.
Then all through BM after recess I had this massive headache. But English made me happyyyy :) I spent all of my time worrying over my English essay, because I did not elaborate on my last two points for my first essay, and I used what you can call coarse words in my second one. Anyway, I got 33/35 for the first essay, and 47/50 for the second one. Which brings it to a total of 80 /85. And I will post my essay, but not now cuz am feeling terribly lazy right now :) After English was Pendidikan Islam, of which I scored 91%. Which amazes me, cuz I didn't really study for my PI especially for my Paper 1 cuz I just felt really down and emo at that time. I scored 92% for Paper 1 and 89% for Paper 2. I am so proud of myself :) And might as well enjoy the sweet taste of success now, cuz I know I'll do bad in other subjects, ESPECIALLY addmaths and sciency stuff. Puan CK told us she's only getting our addmaths papers today, and will only most probably be done with it next week. So a whole week to enjoy myself? Haha.
And after school, I followed my mum and Adlinur to Sri Bestari. At first I didn't want to follow, but they were getting lunch so I had to. Most of the boys don't recognize me. So I talked mostly to Shaun and Ken Joo (Is this how to spell it? I'm not sure.) while the others tried guessing who I was. And also met some other people who I didn't know, cuz they entered the school after I have left.
Getting our English Paper 2 marks tomorrow, and maybe even BM. Yay?
"Two souls with but a single thought. Two hearts that beat as one."
Anis L
Friday, October 30, 2009
taste the freedom
Exams were overall okay. Except for addmaths, which was the suck. Seriously. And and and Chemistry. I really hope I don't fail anything. Today right after History exam, our teacher gave us the answers and I only scored 30 upon 40. And I'm pretty sure I didn't really do well for the second paper. Hmm. And surprisingly, only 5 of us scored above 30, highest is 34, I think. Well, this is where you can say "Serves you right, Anis," cuz I've been wasting my time being emo. Or just plainly lazy. Nothing much to say now, not really in the mood. So umm ciaoooo.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Moving On
And YOU, you are such a big jerk, did you know that? All I expect is an explanation. Like that is so hard. Okay, maybe you are not a jerk. You just think what you're doing is the right thing to do. I'll let you know that it's not. Really. Please. Just say something.
Physics and Accounts tomorrow. Yay.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My momma told me not to, but I wouldn't listen.
I love them. And I hate myself. Someone, slap me please!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
And Now, Class...
So yesterday we went to OU, but I didn't buy anything cuz not enough time :(
Monday, October 19, 2009
Been trying very hard to keep my mind off things that I really shouldn't be thinking about. I don't care if you're reading this, and if this makes me sound extremely shallow and stupid, but
I miss you :(
So, maybe I did get carried away, but what we have is better than nothing. Or had? I don't know. You tell me.
Happy Birthday Ameera
Happy Birthday Hunn
we're so cool
I am still at my aunt's house, slept over and now it's The Morning After. We went home, showered, changed into PJs then came back here. And yeahh. So basically what we did was eat eat and eat. And camwhored liek whoa :D
Picspam at my Facebook yaww
Sunday, October 18, 2009
return of the hungry people
Saturday, October 17, 2009
eat this
Friday, October 16, 2009
hand in mine
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
pretty people

Rocker chick? I don't care. Prettiness.
Her eyes are just mesmerizing.
Well, I'm always thankful to God for the way I am.
But I can't help but to feel jealous of them, in a good way, that is :)
"Take me the way I am,"
Anis L
Friday, October 9, 2009
studystudystudy yawww
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Today was English Paper 1 and Chemistry Paper 1 AND 2 :( My right arm is really hurting from all the writing. I was doing the Directed Writing section and I was worried that I didn't have time to write my Section B essay and so I started with that one first. So I was writing and writing and writing and by the time I finished, there was not enough time to finish up my first one. We were supposed to give two other suggestions of our own other than the points given and and I did not have time to elaborate on my own points :( That pretty much sums it up. And as for Chemistry. Umm. I think I'm going to pass. I hope so. I want my marks to improve compared to my mid-years. I think I can do it? Trying to be optimistic :)
And next week we have Biology, Physics, Accounts, History and Agama.
So umm later :) Going to study,, go me!
"Nobody said it was easy,"
Anis L
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I hate myself.
I feel so angry at myself.
I hate myself for:
1 Being so stupid.
2 Being so vulnerable.
3 Being so miserable.
4 Being so emotional.
5 Being so careless.
6 Caring so much.
7 Being so fragile.
8 Thinking too much.
9 Feeling so ugly.
10 Hating myself
I can go beyond ten reasons, but it's better if I don't. I'm sick in the mind to actually hate myself. I hate myself for hating myself :( Does that make any sense? Fix me, please.
"When I caught myself, I had to stop myself."
Anis L
Monday, September 21, 2009
finally :)
Hari Raya, food was awesome! We have the best lemang, ketupat, rendang around :D heh nothing much to say.
I'm a sucker for cats x)
Ingatlah orang yang tersayang :)
"Selamat Hari Raya,"Anis L
Friday, September 18, 2009
holiday :)
When they actually announced it on TV I was like WOOHOO! Hahaha. Anyway, I wanted to blog about the Merdeka celebration, but I was like damn tired.
First thing in the morning, Su Ann said she doesn't want to wear her cheongsam cuz it is too tightfitting. I was like telling her again and again that it looks just fine on her. And thankfully, she agreed to it. Or else it would be so cacat-ed with only me and Kanishya in traditional clothes. So we had a full run-through and thankfully everything went well. But this year's celebration is sort of dead, what with puasa and everything. And it was only a half-day celebration cuz some of the Form 5 still have exams. Anyway, I was so tired cuz imagine, sitting, no, mostly standing in killer high heels back stage, UNDER the wall fan in my baju kurung of non-breathable material, DYING :( Oh, for the record, I was wearing this yellow baju kurung which I bought for this shoot when I was in Form 1, and this pair of black high heels which Emee lent to me, cuz I don't wear high heels. But then nak perasan tinggi once in a while :D I really was a lot taller. But then there are no pictures cuz no one made a pass to bring cameras. Grrrr.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It started out with me having the weirdest sahur of Sate Kajang and a slice of Secret Recipe's New York Cheese :D hahah. Then I went to school as usual. Nothing interesting, really. Me and Kanishya worked on our Merdeka celebration script. Only then, did another 4Sc3 moment happen :)
It was something like this:
Thanusha (T): Who is a Malay here?
Anis (A): *raises hand*
T: Selamat hari raya....
A: ????
T: After that what?
A: Kepada saudara serta saudari
T: *says something to Mei Fang*
A: Setahun hanya sekali
Mei Fen: Setahun hanya sekali
A: Merayakan hari yang mulia ini
Kanishya: Where else can you find a class that bursts out singing like in High School Musical?
Truly, there is no other class quite like ours :)
"Here we go again,"
Anis L
Monday, September 14, 2009
I am going to try to update my blog frequently now. But I don't really have much to say :) We are getting closer to Hari Raya!ticktockticktockTICKTOCK :DD
but also means
I am still unprepared and umm,really worried :(
Moving on to happier things,
I just want to say that
We are like the rocking-est class and I lovelovelove my class so much.
"Please, ignore the crapping girl with the weird glasses :D"
Anis L
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I am so mad. My Facebook account won't open, no matter how I try. I can open every other website except Facebook :( grr. I'll have to try again later.
And yeay Hari Raya is just around the corner! I am so excited and excited and excited :DD Hopefully, I can fast for a full month this year. I just simply can't wait for all the food: ketupat, lemang, rendang YUM. I'm making myself hungry, hahah.
And oh, Su Ann, Kanishya and me are going to emcee the closing ceremony for the Merdeka celebration. Which is yeay for me! Cuz i just love becoming the emcee :) My track record:
1. Inter-class Choral Speaking Competition (Form 2)
2. Inter-class Choral Speaking Competition (Form 1)
3. Inter-school Public Speaking Competition (Sentul Zone)
4. School-level Merdeka Celebration (Opening Ceremony)
And now, I have a new record to add to all of that :) Well, what can I say, indeed, I love the spotlight.
Moving on to serious-er things,
*cue chilling music*
I've tried studying but I can't seem to absorb anything :( Derek said he'll buy me lunch if I pass everything, but I want to score. I am getting dumber by the minute. I used to be the pride of my parents, the smart one they could show off to their friends with pride. But now I am going to bring them shame. Their daughter who was one of the Top 30 Scorers in Kuala Lumpur for UPSR 2005, can't even get number one in class anymore :( I am going to work as hard as I possibly can. I'll make sure Derek buys me lunch :D But most importantly, I want to get back on top, for my parents, and myself :)
And so I have to end this and get to work NOW.
Anis L
Thursday, September 3, 2009
So it does work :)
No readers. I suck. I know hahaa :D
Anis L
haha.i would love to update my blog always but i don't have access to a proper internet sucks,i know.but there's nothing i can do about it.
finals in less than 1 month.I AM GOING TO DIE.seriously.i don't understand so many things.DEAD.
my blog is a big bore,ain't it?
"Can't you see that it's YOU that I want?"
Anis L
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I was hoping I could become a school prefect. And well, I'm not chosen. I know, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, not something I should cry about but I can't help it.
I was 100% convinced that I would be able to get it. And thus, explaining why I just can't accept the fact that I did not make the final cut. I aced the interview, I would say. I was confident. But then again, that could be just the very reason. Maybe I was too confident.
Someone repair me,
Anis L
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday Morning
Saturday, June 27, 2009
MJ :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I still love the both of you very much
Friday, May 8, 2009
wtf is wrong with you people?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
girls just wanna have fun ;)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
stupid clip mic
so today I was involved in a sketch about racial integration...
and my clip mic didn't work properly.
I am still very frustrated about it,I can't even talk about it.grr.
moving on to other things,
I got my new glasses on the 7th of February. I wear them in class all the time,coz I sit right at the back and am literally blind without them. They're kinda cool :)
I've heard all sorts of comments about them,but the most interesting one is someone saying they look like the glasses used to see ghosts in "Thirteen Ghosts" ;D
And I found a person who looks almost just like me. Her name is Farida Amira. We're so alike in our pictures,it's almost scary.But I've yet to meet her in person.
Til' next time,
Anis L ;)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this shirt and these Converse shoes
Taking them off cuz I feel a fool
Tryna look good when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of these boxers,hey
Curl up in a ball with something CK
In bed I lay
With nothing but your G-string on
With nothing but your G-string on
lol.We sort of got inspired after listening to the remake of Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" by R. Kelly. That one totally sucked. Honestly.
Hari Wilayah ;D
Some of you probably heard of the audition at Sri Pentas,where they are looking for a new host for an NTV7 kids program.I tried out for the audition.While I was waiting to be called up to the level where they were having the audition,I sat down waiting at the lobby.Out came this large group of people from the elevator,and suddenly, I heard someone calling me.Being shortsighted,I couldn't see who it was,till she was close.It was *drum rolls* Anith Aqilah!Damn, I miss her so much!So she was there with the rest of the OIAM finalists.Remember to catch One In A Million season 3 every Friday,and vote for Anith Aqilah,ok?
Anyway,I did fairly okay at the audition ;) But when they asked me to speak in Malay,that was pretty weird.I mean,yeah,I speak in Malay but it was slightly weird cuz I had to make it appropriate for TV.
I think that's all for now.
Anis L ;)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
So today, I went to the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital in PJ.Before you say anything,I wasn't there for any serious eye problems.I just went to the Optometry section to have an eye check-up and to get myself a new pair of spectacles.People who know me would know that I don't wear spectacles eventhough I need to.Thanks to that,my power has increased tremendously since the last time I went for a check-up.the doctor suggested that I start wearing glasses,like,all the time.So in a week's time,you'll probably see me wearing glasses fully :) I have been wanting to get myself a pair of white cat eyes glasses.They're like so cool.Unfortunately,those weren't available at the hospital ;( So I settled for the normal type.pfft.
Anis L
Friday, January 30, 2009
This is the first entry for *drum rolls* "The Super-Duper-Flooper" ;D
I hope that I'll update this blog frequently. I'l try to. You see, I usually write in my own private journal, but lately, I've been like, super lazy to do so :D I'm out of words so I hope that this is a first for many more to come :) Thanks for reading!
Yours Truly,
Anis L